Tien Shan Albatrellus (Albatrellus tianschanicus)

  • Diviziune: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdiviziunea: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Clasa: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclasa: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Tip: Albatrellus tianschanicus (Tian Shan Albatrellus)
  • Scootiger Tien Shan
  • Scutiger tianschanicus
  • Albatrellus of Henan

Albatrellus tianshanskyi (Albatrellus tianschanicus) fotografie și descriere

Tien Shan Albatrellus – Mushrooms are annual, usually solitary.

cap mushroom in youth fleshy and elastic. The hat is depressed in the center. Its diameter is 2 – 10 cm, and the thickness is up to 0,5 cm, but it becomes much thinner towards the edge. With a lack of moisture, it becomes brittle and brittle. The surface layer of the cap is wrinkled.

The cap and stem have a monomitic hyphal system. Hyphae tissues are very loose. They have thin walls. The diameter is constantly changing. Saturated with simple partitions, the diameter is 3-8 microns. At maturity, the partitions begin to dissolve and an almost homogeneous mass is obtained.

It is covered with dark scales, having a radial-concentric shape. The color of the hat is dirty yellow.

The tissue of this mushroom is white. Sometimes with a yellow tint. Remarkably, when dried, the color almost does not change. With age, it becomes brittle, loose, and a black line is clearly visible on the border with the hymenophore.

The tubules are slightly descending and inconspicuous, as they are very short in length (0,5-2 mm).

The surface color of the hymenophore varies between brown and brown-ocher.

por almost correctly shaped: angular or rhombic shape. Notched along the edges. The placement density is 2-3 per 1 mm. The foot is more central. Its length is 2-4 cm, and its diameter is 0.-0,7 cm. At the base, the leg swells a little. Almost no color. When fresh, it has a smooth surface. And when dried, it becomes covered with wrinkles and becomes a pale terracotta color.

Sometimes you can find brown inclusions of a substance similar in consistency to resin, located in the area of ​​hyphae up to 6 microns in diameter, although sometimes shorter formations.

the hyphae are colored uniformly bluish, although the inclusions remain yellowish.

They are non-amyloid.

The hyphae of the legs do not differ from the hyphae of the mushroom cap. They have a denser plexus and a parallel arrangement. The hyphae of the stem are agglutinated and also impregnated with a resinous substance.

Bazidiile sunt în formă de maciucă, iar sporii sunt eliptici, sferici, netezi, hialini. Au pereții îngroșați și sunt trase oblic lângă bază.

Albatrellus tianshanskyi (Albatrellus tianschanicus) fotografie și descriere

Tien Shan albatrellus – edible when young, old specimens are hard.

Tien Shan Albatrellus occurs on the soil surface of a spruce forest. Hiding among the grass.

Geographical location – Kyrgyzstan, Tien Shan (height 2200m)

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