Potato zrazy with mushrooms for multicooker

Pentru multicooker: Zrazy de cartofi cu ciuperci

  • Half a kilo of boiled potatoes;
  • 200 de grame de champignon;
  • 50 de grame de ceapă;
  • Un ou;
  • 30 de grame de făină de grâu;
  • 40 ml ulei vegetal;
  • Sare

Onions and mushrooms are finely minced.

Potatoes are pounded and turned into a puree, to which an egg is added, salt to taste, then everything is thoroughly mixed.

Vegetable oil is poured into the slow cooker, onions with mushrooms are laid out, after which it is all fried. The lid should not be closed. Roasting time – 8 minutes. After roasting, everything is laid out in a separate container.

Roll out the mashed potatoes into flat cakes, put a little stuffing inside each of them. Then such a cake is folded in half, its edges are pinched, and it is shaped like a cutlet.

After that, the zrazy must be rolled in flour. Vegetable oil is again poured into the multicooker bowl, and zrazy are laid out in one layer. Cooking time – 14 minutes. After half the time, you need to turn the zrazy.

Thickness is added to mashed potatoes by adding wheat flour. Eggs should be added to mashed potatoes when they have cooled down to prevent protein from curdling.

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