Delicatese de turtă dulce: descriere și proprietățiMushroom mushrooms, belonging to the genus Mleichnikov, got their name because of the characteristic color of the cap.

These fruiting bodies are considered one of the most useful, as they contain the mineral salts of Fe, Na, Ca and Mg. These substances have a direct impact on the functioning of most systems in the human body and are extremely important for the condition of the skin and hair.

Redheads grow where there are many acidic and calcareous soils, most often under small fir trees in clearings in front of the forest. The most valuable species is the gourmet mushroom mushroom.

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What does the gourmet mushroom look like

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Habitats of gourmet mushrooms (Lactarius deliciosus): young spruce forests, on calcareous and acidic soils, grow in groups.

Sezon: iulie – octombrie.

Delicatese de turtă dulce: descriere și proprietăți

The cap has a diameter of 2-8 cm, sometimes up to 10 cm, at first convex-notched, later almost flat with a slight depression in the middle. The cap of the camelina mushroom deserves a special description: it is red or orange-red, with significant spots or zones of greenish and blue-green color. The edges of the cap are first bent down, concentric circles are faintly visible on the surface.

The leg is short, 3-6 cm high, 0,7-2 cm thick, even, hollow, very brittle, cylindrical, of the same color as the cap. The leg in the area of ​​attachment of the plates has a lighter zone.

The flesh is orange or yellowish, friable, when damaged and later greenish. The flesh of the leg is whitish. The second distinguishing property of the species is a bright milky juice of carrot-red color with a fruity smell.

Delicatese de turtă dulce: descriere și proprietăți

The plates adherent to the stem, dense, notched or slightly descending, narrow, sometimes branched. The color of the plates is orange-yellow, with greenish and blue-green spots. When pressed, the plates turn green. Spore powder is light ocher.

similarity to other species. The spruce-shaped camelina mushroom looks the same as the delicacy pine-shaped camelina mushroom, but it has darker tones of the cap, there are areas of a bluish-greenish color, and the flesh is loose.

Comestibile, categoria a 2-a.

Cooking methods. Mushrooms have good taste, they have been harvested in Our Country for a long time, they can be pickled, salted, fried.

Properties of gourmet mushrooms

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Delicatessen mushrooms have many useful properties:

  • They are record holders among mushrooms for vitamin A.
  • A valuable antibiotic laclariovialin, which inhibits the development of many harmful bacteria, including the causative agent of tuberculosis, has been isolated from camelina.
  • Are efect antitumoral.
  • It has a therapeutic effect in diseases caused by metabolic disorders, including skin spotting (vitiligo).
  • It is recommended to apply at pulmonary diseases.
  • Contains an antirheumatic substance similar in action to cortisone.
  • Due to its beneficial properties, the use of mushrooms can improve the general condition of the body.
  • On the basis of mushrooms, they make a valuable antibiotic lahtarovislin.

Delicatese de turtă dulce: descriere și proprietăți

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