4 greșeli de băut care pot distruge o întâlnire

Not eating garlic and checking to see if the parsley is stuck in your teeth are just the basics of the rules that will help you not spoil the first impression of yourself on the first date.

What else is undesirable to do when you find yourself at the same table with a person you really like?

Change food

Climbing into someone else’s plate with your hands does not bring you closer, as it might appear at first glance. And even if the date is not the first, but the relationship is not yet strong, such a habit can nullify them. Another’s plate is everyone’s personal territory, you should not insist on your own food and encroach on someone else’s. Did you like the dish on the next plate? Order yourself a similar one, maybe next time.


Feed using your appliances

It’s as unhygienic as getting into someone else’s plate. Romantic scenes from films can be repeated with only a few, while most people will disdain to eat from someone else’s fork, even if it is part of flirting.

Eat and drink without measure

When ordering dinner, it is better to find a middle ground and order one dish with dessert, even if you are hungry or are used to eating well at night. To be too modest, however, is also ugly – the parterre or partner will feel uncomfortable if you chew one salad all evening. You came to talk and get to know each other better, and the food is just an accompaniment to your conversation.

Also, you should not get carried away with alcohol “for courage”, especially if you know that too much alcohol will open you not from the best side.

There are spicy and unfamiliar dishes

And, of course, if you are counting on the continuation of a pleasant evening, do not eat spicy, something that will make your stomach and intestines work with abnormalities, and something that tastes too bright and leaves an unpleasant odor in your mouth.

And also beware of unfamiliar dishes – exotic and those that you have never tasted. Firstly, it is impossible to predict how they will affect your body, and secondly, it may turn out that eating them requires special skills or the use of special devices. Why do you need to deal with this on a date? Deal better with relationships. And leave gastronomic discoveries for your joint future!

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