Guvernul a redus carantina la șapte zile. Cum îl judecă doctorul?
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On January 21, the government proposed several changes to pandemic management. This is to prepare us for the impending high tide of infection. One idea is to reduce the duration of the quarantine from 10 to seven days. The legitimacy of this decision is commented on for MedTvoiLokony by prof. Andrzej Fal, head of the Department of Allergology, Lung Diseases and Internal Diseases at the hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw and president of the Polish Society of Public Health.

  1. The number of people in quarantine has increased sharply in recent days. On Friday, January 21, it was over 747 thousand.
  2. Currently, the quarantine lasts 10 days. Monday will be reduced to seven days
  3. We use the experience of other countries – said Mateusz Morawiecki
  4. The decision to shorten quarantine and isolation is in a sense rational, says Prof. Andrzej Fal
  5. Mai multe informații pot fi găsite pe pagina de pornire Onet

Quarantine reduced from 10 to seven days

There has been talk of shortening the quarantine in Poland for some time. Many countries have already decided to make such a move, mainly due to the prevailing variant of Omikron, the symptoms of which appear earlier than with previous variants of the coronavirus. Another important factor is the social and economic costs of large numbers of people living in their homes.

This was officially confirmed by Mateusz Morawiecki during the Friday press conference.

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- We shorten the period of stay in quarantine from 10 to 7 days Said the prime minister. – We use the experience of other countries. Similar solutions have been introduced by France, Belgium, Germany and Greece. It is also in line with the recommendations of European agencies – added Morawiecki.

– We will want to implement it from Monday. We also need to check whether it is technically possible to shorten the quarantine of people currently staying in it – added Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski.

Restul textului este sub videoclip.

Prof. Fal: This is a rational decision

The shortening of the duration of the quarantine was assessed in an interview with Medonet by Prof. Andrzej Fal, head of the Department of Allergology, Lung Diseases and Internal Diseases at the hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration.

– Multe țări au introdus deja o reducere a carantinei. Dacă putem vorbi de puncte bune în contextul variantei Omikron, este, fără îndoială, faptul că prezența agentului patogen, și deci infecțiozitatea, deși mai mare, este mai scurtă decât în ​​cazul variantelor Delta sau Alpha. Prin urmare, decizia de a scurta carantina și izolarea este oarecum rațională – says prof. Halyard.

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– However, we must also bear in mind that Omikron has been in space since mid-November, because then it was detected in Africa. This means that the time of its observation at the moment is relatively short. We are learning this variant all the time – adds the president of the Polish Society of Public Health.

Length of the quarantine. How is it in other countries?

Many countries decided to quarantine some time ago. In the United States, where it is currently up to 800. cases per day, isolation and quarantine periods were reduced in December. However, this concerned employees of the health care system. Doctors and nurses who test positive for the coronavirus are isolated for seven instead of 10 days, in the absence of symptoms, isolation is reduced to five days. On the other hand, quarantine does not apply to employees who have completed the full vaccination course.

  1. Statisticile privind incidența COVID-19 vor fi lansate în februarie? „Majoritatea mor nevaccinați și nevaccinati cu a treia doză”

In Germany, in early January, it was decided to reduce the compulsory quarantine from 14 to 10 days, and even to seven in the event of a negative virus test result. Those who are fully vaccinated and recently infected with COVID-19 are exempted from quarantine.

There is now a five-day quarantine and isolation period in the Czech Republic. – Omicron is a fast infection. From January 10, quarantine and isolation are reduced to five full calendar days. This time is the same for everyone, without exception, said the Czech Minister of Health, Vlastimil Válek.

In the UK, isolation and quarantine periods were cut from 10 days to seven days in December in the event that two consecutive tests fail. In January, changes were made once again, now isolation and quarantine last five days.

In France, the duration of quarantine was reduced from seven to five days, while isolation was reduced from 10 to seven days, and even to five if the infected person then tested negative for the virus.

Doriți să vă testați imunitatea la COVID-19 după vaccinare? Ați fost infectat și doriți să vă verificați nivelul de anticorpi? Consultați pachetul de test de imunitate COVID-19, pe care îl veți efectua la punctele de rețea de diagnosticare.

De asemenea, se va citi:

  1. „Cascada de coagulare”. Un neurolog explică de ce persoanele cu COVID-19 au adesea accident vascular cerebral și accident vascular cerebral
  2. 20 de simptome ale Omicron. Acestea sunt cele mai comune
  3. „Toți cei care vor să trăiască ar trebui să se vaccineze.” Este suficient să te protejezi de Omicron?
  4. Cum să poarte măști iarna? Regula este mai importantă ca niciodată. Experții observă
  5. Valul Omicron se apropie. 10 lucruri care o pot opri

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