8 obstacole către succesul în carieră

Are you doing everything to achieve career growth, but to no avail? It seems that you are just unlucky or your bosses do not appreciate you? You change jobs, but everything continues in the same spirit? Why this happens, we understand together with the psychologist Maria Dokuchaeva.

The main thing you need to know: if the situation repeats itself from time to time, you should pay attention not to external circumstances, but to internal factors of the psychological state. In each of us there are conscious and unconscious processes. Some we can understand and correct, and some we are not even aware of. Therefore, our task is to think about what exactly we are doing wrong.

Perhaps one of the following reasons is preventing you from succeeding in your career.

1. Eroare de poziționare

Quite often, adults behave like teenagers at work: either they react too emotionally to criticism of their superiors, or they take offense at colleagues for professional remarks. If we personally do not correspond to our biological age, then we will not correspond to the position of our dreams.

The fact is that the manager monitors not only the performance of tasks by the employee, but also how he copes with them. How he builds relationships with the team, how he reacts to professional comments, whether he takes comments into account. So our positioning is important.

2. Unwillingness to invest in your development

Career growth can be compared to an escalator that is constantly moving down. And if we want to get to the top, we have to quickly climb the descending stairs. And it’s better not just to climb, but also try to jump over them.

Even if we have a higher education (and perhaps more than one), it is necessary to constantly improve the level of competencies. And this is a lifelong process. The world is changing very quickly, and we must be flexible in order to meet these changes.

3. Lack of resource

To achieve really serious success in your career, you must always be in a state of resource, monitor your emotional and somatic health (our brain and body, as you know, are interconnected). This is a necessary condition. Otherwise, at the most difficult moment of your career life, you can get professional burnout. You need to constantly monitor your health and keep your body in good shape.

4. Comparându-te cu ceilalți

For most, this habit was formed in childhood, when parents compared us to other children. Now, as adults, we compare ourselves to others.

The only person you can compare yourself to is us in the past. What can be done? For example, keep a diary of achievements, noting in it what we did not like about ourselves and what we did to fix it. So you can evaluate your inner work.

Set goals for yourself and do not look around: others may have other life and professional guidelines that are alien to you. When we make every effort to achieve a goal alien to us, it is not environmentally friendly for our psyche.

5.Waiting for a positive evaluation

When we focus on praise from superiors or colleagues, we are looking for support outside. And not getting what we want, we often fall into a stupor from resentment or disappointment.

This approach is rather infantile: we, like small children, expect confirmation of love and attention from our leader (parental figure). And if we do not get this, then we are not worthy of professional victories. When my colleagues and I fight for the attention of the leader, something like sibling jealousy is born between us.

It is important to focus on your professional and personal growth and, with any achievements, support and praise yourself, becoming an alternative parent for yourself.

6. Lack of confidence in yourself and your professional abilities

In this case, the Dunning-Kruger effect is often manifested, the so-called «woe from wit»: the more stupid the specialist, the more confident he feels, and vice versa. You must understand that it is impossible to know absolutely everything even in your own field: professional information is constantly updated. Our task is to strive to follow these changes. This is the guarantee of our professional confidence.

And, of course, becoming more confident in our professional competencies, we become more confident in ourselves in general.

7. Bet on personal interests

One client came to me with the following request: she could not work for more than a year in any organization. A year after employment, she was fired for various reasons. After analyzing the situation, we came to the conclusion that at every place of work she put her personal interests above professional ones. Naturally, the authorities did not like this, and they said goodbye to her.

Managers view each employee as part of the work system, and when he does not complete the assigned tasks, citing personal reasons, he ceases to be needed. Therefore, it is so important to find a balance between personal and professional.

8. The wrong profession

It is generally accepted that career guidance is relevant only for teenagers, but this is not so: adults often also apply with such a request. Those who chose a profession under the pressure of authoritarian parents, under the influence of friends or just fashion. However, an incorrectly chosen business entails internal conflict and lack of success in work. This is followed by asthenia, depression, a feeling that we are in the wrong place and doing our own thing, a state of depression and self-doubt and our strengths.

Think about your chosen profession. Was it your conscious decision? Did you really want this — or did someone influence you?

If you realize that you made the wrong choice, it doesn’t matter — it’s never too late to fix everything. The main thing is to understand the situation and decide to change. After that, you can assume that you are already on the way to the profession of your dreams.

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