Exerciții de dimineață în URSS: cum au făcut exercițiile bunicile noastre

We propose to repeat the exercise in 1939, to which people woke up in the Soviet Union.

A healthy lifestyle held a special place in Soviet culture. And the general morning exercises were an integral part of the life of our grandparents. On weekdays, the inhabitants of the Soviet Union, immediately after waking up, turned on their radios and repeated the exercises under the voice of the announcer.

By the way, “Morning Gymnastics” was considered one of the most popular radio programs at that time, giving listeners a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day, as well as helping them to keep fit. It is not surprising that everyone did it without exception.

On May 1, the Day of Spring and Labor, it’s time to remember one of the main values ​​of the Soviet era – the national unity of citizens. Therefore, we invite all readers of Wday.ru to travel back in time and start the day as they did in 1939 (at 06:15 am!).

The complex of hygienic gymnastics took only a few minutes and consisted of breathing exercises, jumping and walking on the spot, which were performed to cheerful music. As for sportswear, the clothes had to be comfortable, loose and not hinder movement. Therefore, many did exercises in what they slept in a few minutes ago: most often they were T-shirts and shorts.

Play video at full volume, call all family members and repeat the movements together!

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