Insarcinata fara sa stii: alcool, tutun... Ce risca bebelusul?

Pregnant when we took the pill

No need to worry. The synthetic hormones that you took at the beginning of pregnancy are low in dosage and have no harmful influence on the embryo. However, now that you know you are pregnant, stop your pilulă !

Pregnant without knowing it: we smoked during pregnancy, what consequences?

Don’t beat yourself up! But from now on, it’s best to stop smoking. The carbon monoxide you inhale can reach your unborn child. fum during pregnancy promotes the occurrence of complications in mother and baby. In the first few weeks, this increases the risk of avort și sarcina extrauterina. Fortunately, the development of the embryo is not affected. To help you, anti-smoking consultations are organized in many maternity hospitals, and when that is not enough, expectant mothers can have recourse to nicotine substitutes. They come in different forms (patch, chewing gum, inhalers) and are safe for the baby.

If you are motivated to quit, there are solutions to help you. Talk to your doctor or call Tabac Info Service for help.

Evening with friends, we drank alcohol without knowing we were pregnant

The 30 years of our cousin, or a single well-watered dinner at the very beginning of pregnancy will have no consequences a priori. But from now on, we ban all alcoholic drinks and we go to fruit juices!

Whether the consumption is regular or occasional excessive, thealcool easily crosses the placental barrier and arrives in the blood of the fetus in the same concentrations as in the mother. Still immature, its organs are difficult to eliminate. In the most serious cases, we speak of sindromul alcoolului fetal, which can cause mental retardation, facial abnormalities, etc. From two drinks a day, the risk of miscarriage also rises. So be careful!

We played sports while pregnant

No worries at the start of pregnancy. Sport and pregnancy are indeed not at all incompatible! You just have to choose a physical activity suited to your condition. You can continue to practice your favorite activity if it does not cause pain or tightness in the lower abdomen.

Subsequently, we avoid activities that are too violent or risk causing us to fall, such as sport fighting, tennis or horseback riding. Fan of competitions? Slow down on the pedal and slow down. Stop skydiving or scuba diving now, which are not recommended. Also, avoid dynamic sports and endurance (volleyball, running …) because they require a large amount of oxygen. On the other hand, you can completely maintain yourself with moderate physical activity is beneficial such as walking, swimming or yoga.


We took medicine when we didn’t know we were pregnant

There are two of you now, and some produse farmaceutice are not trivial. Taken at the very beginning of pregnancy, they can disrupt the proper development of the embryo and lead to malformations. No big consequence if you occasionally took paracetamol or Spafon®, but be careful with antibiotics. While many of them do not present any danger, others are formally discouraged. For example, in the long term, certain antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or antiepileptics can interfere with the growth or anatomy of the embryo. Give the full list of medications you have taken to your doctor. He is the only one who can assess the real risk and, if necessary, strengthen monitoring of your baby’s healthy development through more regular ultrasounds.

In video: Adrien Gantois

We radioed while pregnant

Rest assured if you have had an X-ray of the upper part of the body (lungs, neck, teeth, etc.): the X-rays are not directed at the fetus and the risks are almost non-existent. On the other hand, an X-ray of the belly, pelvis or back, carried out in the first weeks of pregnancy, exposes the unborn baby to a greater risk of malformation and can also lead to miscarriage. This period is delicate because the fetal cells are in full division. They multiply constantly to become the different organs, and are therefore very sensitive to radiation. The risk depends on the radiation dose. A single low dose will in principle have no consequence, but if in doubt, talk to your doctor. Subsequently, if an X-ray (even dental) is required, we will protect your stomach with a lead apron.

We were vaccinated at the very beginning of pregnancy

The risk depends on the vaccine you received! Vaccines, made from killed viruses (influenza, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio) present, a priori, no danger. In contrast, vaccines made from live viruses are contraindicat în timpul sarcinii, the virus can cross the placental barrier and reach the fetus. This is the case, among others, of the vaccination against measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, yellow fever or polio in its drinkable form. Other vaccinations should be avoided because of the reactions they can cause in the mother. Among these are the pertussis and diphtheria vaccines. If in doubt, talk to your doctor.

We had wisdom teeth removed under anesthesia

The extraction of a single tooth most often requires low dose local anesthesiae. No consequences for the baby at this stage of the pregnancy. When the dentist has to remove several, general anesthesia may be more comfortable. No worries because no studies have shown an increased risk of malformatie fetala following this type of anesthesia. If further dental care is required later on, do not forget to” inform the dentist of your condition. Adrenaline (a product that limits bleeding and increases the numbing effect) is often added to local anesthetics. However, this substance, by contracting the blood vessels, can sometimes cause hypertension.

We got UV rays when we didn’t know we were pregnant

As a precautionary principle, UV rays are not recommended during pregnancy. Most beauty institutes also ask their clients if they are pregnant before starting a tanning treatment. The only real danger is to see spots appear on the face (pregnancy mask) and stretch marks on the stomach (UV dries out the skin). If you really want a tanned complexion while expecting baby, opt for a self-tanning cream or foundation instead.

We ate raw meat and fish while pregnant

Pregnant, better avoid food without cooking, but also raw milk cheeses, shellfish and cold meats. The danger: contracting potentially dangerous diseases for the fetus, such as salmonellosis or listeriosis. Fortunately, cases of contamination are rare. Eating raw or smoked meat can also put you at risk for toxoplasmosis, but maybe you already have immunity? Otherwise, rest assured, if you had been affected, your last blood test would have shown it. The doctor who is now monitoring your pregnancy is able to provide you with a dietary recommendation sheet (very cooked meat, washed, peeled and cooked fruits and vegetables…) and advice, if you have a cat.

We took care of her pregnant cat (and we got scratched!)

If, like 80% of expectant mothers, you are immune to Toxoplasmoza (mild illness apart from pregnancy), no risk to the baby. To find out, head to the laboratory where a simple blood test will verify whether or not you have antibodies to the disease. If you are not immune, no need to separate yourself from the tomcat, but entrust the cleaning of the litter to the future papTo. It is in fact the animal’s excrement that is at risk of transmitting the parasite. Also be very vigilant when it comes to food. Goodbye rare steaks and carpaccios! From now on the meat should be well cooked, and the vegetables and aromatic herbs thoroughly washed. If you are gardening, remember to put on gloves to avoid contact with the soil and wash your hands thoroughly. Lab results may show recent infection. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the risk of the parasite passing through the placenta is low (1%), but the complications in the fetus are serious. If so, your doctor will order special tests to see if the baby has been infected.


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