Protejați-vă de infecțiile de sarcină

Infecții vaginale în timpul sarcinii

drojdie infecție

These fungi which develop in the vaginal flora cause itching of the vulva and whitish discharge; they have no effect on the fetus, but must be treated with a local antifungal (ovum). In the event of recurrence, the doctor will have a sample analyzed in order to better target the treatment.

Vaginoza bacteriană

The vagina naturally contains several types of bacteria with which we live in harmony. But when an imbalance sets in between these different species, it results in often smelly losses. Left untreated, this vaginosis can cause infections of the uterus and fallopian tubes, which are particularly feared in pregnant women. So do not hesitate to consult your doctor. If the analysis of the vaginal sample confirms this diagnosis, he will prescribe oral (antibiotics) or local (cream) treatment for a few days, as the case may be.

Food source infections during pregnancy


This parasite (toxoplasma) found in the soil – soiled by droppings – and in the muscles of some ruminants may not cause any symptoms in the mother-to-be, while causing malformatii fetale.

Protect yourself against toxoplasmosis: do not touch soil or fruit and vegetables in the garden with your bare hands until they have been washed thoroughly, then wipe them with absorbent paper. Eat only well-cooked meat and, if possible, avoid contact with cats (including their litter box).

Systematic screening is carried out at the beginning of pregnancy, then every month for those who are not immune.

Treatment: A woman who contracts toxoplasmosis during pregnancy should take anti-parasitic treatment. After birth, the placenta will be tested to see if the parasite has also infected the baby or not.


Aceasta este o bacterial food poisoning. In pregnant women, listeriosis can cause vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, but also miscarriage, premature delivery or death of the fetus.

Do not leave food out of the refrigerator for too long, avoid raw fish and shellfish, tarama, unpasteurized cheeses, artisanal cold cuts (rillettes, pâtés, etc.). Cook meat and fish well. Also, remember to wash your refrigerator with bleach at least once a month.

Urinary tract infections in pregnant women

UTIs are very common during pregnancy. The increased production of progesterone makes the bladder lazy. Urine stagnates there longer and germs grow there more easily. The reflex: drink abundantly throughout your pregnancy, at least two liters of water per day. A screening : a Cytobacteriological Urine Examination (ECBU) makes it possible to confirm the diagnosis and to identify the germ in question.

Treatment: most often antibiotics to prevent the infection from spreading or causing premature delivery. An ECBU is performed monthly until birth.

Streptococcus B: infection via amniotic fluid during pregnancy

It is found in the vaginal flora of around 35% of women, without causing infections. Gold, this bacteria can infect the baby through the amniotic fluid or during childbirth. It is systematically screened for by a vaginal sample at the beginning of the 9th month of pregnancy. If the woman is a carrier of this bacterium, she receives an injection of antibiotics to prevent the germ from waking up and contaminating the uterus, then the baby, after the water bag breaks.

Cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy

CMV is the cytomegalovirus. It is a virus related to chickenpox, shingles or herpes. Most people get it in childhood. It is like the flu, with fever and body aches. A small part of the population is not immune. Among them, pregnant women sometimes contract CMV. In 90% of cases, this will have no effect on the fetus, and for 10%, it can lead to serious malformations. Given the low percentage of people infected each year, screening is not systematic. The populations exposed in contact with young children (nursery staff, nursery nurses, teacher, etc.) must take measures to avoid contact with the saliva, urine and stools of children. They may benefit from further serological monitoring throughout pregnancy.

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