Ce lună să planifici un copil, conform semnului zodiacal

If the baby is born at the right time, he will be in harmony with your own horoscope.

If you are an Aries, then you are a leader, possibly graduated from several universities. You love adventure and don’t like to sit still. But what does this have to do with family planning? Huge!

Plan to conceive based on sign compatibility. Three optimal periods: June 25 – July 15, October 25 – November 15 and February 25 – March 15. Since you are a fire sign, the birth of a child of the same element (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) is the best option for you.

With such a baby, life will be one big adventure, as he or she will share your hobbies and not worry about your spontaneity and unpredictability. Your child will be inquisitive, frank and confident from birth.

Taurus mothers know exactly what kind of life awaits their children. They expect only the best from them and for them. Manners and appearance are important to them, so it will be difficult for them to cope with naughty children.

To avoid future conflicts, plan to conceive during the following periods: July 25 – August 15, November 25 – December 15, and March 25 – April 15.

Taurus is best able to raise children of the same earthly element to which they themselves belong – Taurus, Virgo and Capricorns. Your earthly children will value tradition as much as you do, which will provide stability and a strong sense of family. They are unlikely to rebel and break the rules you set. However, there is one but: none of you will take too much risk. Sometimes a great similarity means a lack of motivation for development. Consider this.

Gemini is extremely playful. They are not afraid of confusion and stressful situations. It is difficult to upset them with something, says Momstrology.

Gemini mothers-to-be should plan to conceive in the following periods: August 25 – September 15, December 25 – January 15, and April 25 – May 15. It is easiest for them to raise a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius child.

Your relationship with your child will be like a breath of fresh air. You will be as open as possible by talking to each other a lot, which will make you best friends. You will have a lot in common. Your only task is to find the perfect balance between parent and friend. However, you do not have to demand much in terms of discipline, because your child thinks like you and understands you.

Cancer moms are perfection itself. They sense the needs of the child before he can cry. They have an absolute maternal instinct – such that those around them are even afraid. As for the behavior of the child, Cancers sometimes take him too close to his heart, but they are also his main defenders.

Cancers should plan to conceive in one of three periods: July 25 – August 15, November 25 – December 15, March 25 – April 15. If you manage to conceive at the specified time, then you will have a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

Children of these three signs are best suited for Cancer mom, as they are perfectionists. A mother who senses their needs will help build their self-confidence, as any disapproval will have a very negative impact on them.

Lionesses are passionate mothers who can sometimes be narcissistic. They are confident and proud of their child as much as of themselves. Of all the signs, it is these mothers who dream of their daughters being dressed the same way as themselves. It touches for a while.

Leo mothers should plan to conceive in one of three optimal periods: June 25 – July 15, October 25 – November 15 and February 25 – March 15. Then you will have the most compatible with you Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. These kids will understand your youthful spirit and passion. Moreover, they will be no less passionate, so as not to feel that they live in your shadow.

Mother Virgins have everything under control. They value cleanliness and order, sometimes falling into fanaticism. It is these mothers who give the children a broom when they are waiting for guests.

For Virgos, the best periods of conception are September 25 – October 15, January 25 – February 15 and May 25 – June 15. Then the family will have little Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, ideally compatible with Virgo.

Virgo mother may not be particularly sensitive, but she does an excellent job with children of the water elements – they are rather closed, and consistency, logic and consistency in upbringing are important for them. Such a mother will help them gently come out of their shell. Virgo will teach them skills that others will appreciate.

Libra is extravagant and usually strives to be the “cool” mom. Their disadvantage in the educational approach is the lack of balance. They need to learn not to put the material at the forefront and explain to their children what is really important in life. Happiness is the main priority of Libra, but only if you don’t have to suffer for the sake of it, and in life this is not always possible.

For Libra, the best periods of conception are September 25 – October 15, January 25 – February 15, and May 25 – June 15. Then they will have Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

These three signs are very emotional, so a mother who knows how to see the positive in everything will greatly help them learn to cope with themselves. But children will not be able to manipulate you with tears. You are the complete opposite of each other, but this is not scary, since you are mutually complementary.

Scorpios are extremely independent. They are sometimes difficult to deal with. As mothers, they can be overly demanding and authoritarian.

Plan to conceive in three optimal periods: June 25 – July 15, October 25 – November 15, and February 25 – March 15. Optimal – because in this case, Aries, Leo or Sagittarius compatible with you will be born.

These are the most freedom-loving signs and the Scorpio mom will be the ideal mentor for them, since she does not lead, but directs. Of course, hassles are inevitable because of your differences, but you will save your child from the painful mistakes they would have made without you. The main thing is to give them personal space, and peace will reign in the family.

Sagittarius moms are always energetic, cheerful and positive. These are the most freedom-loving of all mothers. They allow their children to experience life the way they want to, to explore it, and explain that it is perfectly normal to see everything in more than black and white.

Future Sagittarius mothers need to plan for conception in the following periods: August 25 – September 15, December 25 – January 15, and April 25 – May 15 for a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius child to be born.

Life will be full of joy for both mother and child, so other mothers will only be jealous. Of course, upbringing requires routine, but it can also be done in a fun way!

Capricorn women have a very strict work ethic. They have no problem saying no and setting clear boundaries. They are said to behave like fathers: they are too serious and expect too much from their children. Failures are very painful for them.

Plan to conceive based on sign compatibility. Three optimal periods: June 25 – July 15, October 25 – November 15 and February 25 – March 15. The birth of a child of a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) is the best option for your parenting style.

At first, children may feel like you have enclosed them with a fence, but over time they will realize that you are giving them something that they lack, namely stability, which they do not possess. You will teach them how to handle money correctly, which will help them in life. They will achieve everything they aspire to through your motivating presence in their lives.

Aquarius mothers are naturally patient and always ready to listen to you. They encourage their children to think and decide for themselves. Money is not as important to these moms as it is to building relationships that will lead to power.

Aquarius should plan to conceive in one of three periods: July 25 – August 15, November 25 – December 15, March 25 – April 15. If you manage to conceive these days, then you will have a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

These kids value connections as much as you do. You will be their hero in life. They will share your philosophy that people are the most important thing. They will build their alliances not on blood kinship, but on the one who grew up and was brought up in the family. Mom and child will remind each other of the main values ​​in life, if suddenly one of them is unsettled by fate.

Pisces moms are extremely passionate and usually obsessed with their children. This is good for toddlers, but not so good for older children. Pisces has a rich artistic imagination and helps children express themselves in a variety of ways.

For Pisces, the best periods of conception are: September 25 – October 15, January 25 – February 15 and May 25 – June 15, so that Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces compatible with them will be born.

Mother and child will enjoy each other. The child will love the cake for breakfast and the opportunity to go to bed two hours late. Music and art will become a big part of learning about life and learning. Since both are very sensitive, it is important to nudge each other to do something outside of your relationship so that they don’t become suffocating.

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