1-Clarify your situation

Spouse, family, friends, neighbors, children: everyone should understand that your presence at home does not mean that you are casnică. Despite appearances, you have a job or a professional project to accomplish. You cannot therefore make yourself available immediately when the teacher is absent or the creşă striking. And be aware from the start: it is impossible to work with a child in the paws, even if it is small / calm. In short, be a teacher with your interlocutors, even if it means repeating yourself!

2-Define your space

If you are lucky enough to have a room (even small) dedicated to your activity, it is ideal for concentrating and giving a concrete image to those around you. Otherwise, play with decorating tips to isolate your birou and your equipment: a screen, a

removable partition, a shelf can split a bedroom or living room into two. Also consider investing in a place such as an outbuilding in the garden, a dressing room to transform into a small office. The important thing: to have a source of natural light and calm. In any case, your affairs should not “mix” with those of the rest of the familie.

3- Define your schedules

Nu contează timp de muncă, it must be clearly identified in the timetable. To do this, set a number of hours for yourself and write these hours down in a diary (online to be able to share it with your spouse). So you can stick to a schedule and deviate from it only in case of force majeure. avoid working evenings and weekends as much as possible, to keep a healthy rhythm compatible with that of the rest of society …

4- Create a real working atmosphere

Business cards, tidy computer, well-equipped desk with plenty of supplies, cup of tea, storage binders, comfortable chair, mantras to motivate yourself: act exactly as if you were in entreprise. These elements, in addition to making your job easier, will make it easier for you to enter your bubble to concentrate.

5- do not let yourself be overwhelmed by the everyday

Certainly your situation gives you flexibility to organize yourself, but if you vacuum between two online conferences, you risk the problem. arde-out. As for your professional activity, write in your diary (with another color) outside

of your working hours, the different tasks you assume: appointments with the pediatrician, laundry machines, taking the children to sports, shopping, etc. For this, a discussion with your spouse is essential. You are at home, of course, but it does

change nothing to the need to share tasks Daily. In addition, nothing forces you to pick up the landline at home or to clear your breakfast if you are in a hurry one morning.

6- do you plan to take breaks

As in business, do not neglect the need to breathe regularly. At least 15 minutes in the morning, 45 minutes at noon and 15 minutes in the afternoon. Nothing prevents you from taking a stroll, a coffee on your balcony, a quick lunch with a

girlfriend and even a sports or off-peak shopping session. You’re welcome vinovat, on the contrary, you will save time and efficiency. If you feel like you’re “skipping class,” make sure you have no travel time, no unnecessary meetings, and no RTT.

7-Be firm with the children

Your children may “play” on the situation and distract you from your goals with incessant demands. “Mom, please come and get me from the canteen, hearts of palm are too bad.” Children also have an unfortunate tendency, as soon as their tată or their nanny has her back turned, to come back to your office for a kiss. Better to avoid flinching or they’ll never understand your situation.

8- Adapt your work to family life

Plan administrative tasks that require little concentration when the children are around (even if it means giving them a cartoon from time to time). And important tasks when they are in care or at school. Also, don’t forget to give yourself (as far as possible) days off. părăsi. With an absence message to activate to avoid overflows.

9- In the evening and on weekends, disconnect!

Ideally, don’t always stay connected to your smartphone or your tablet to check emails, check data, follow your network news. Otherwise you risk giving the impression that you are always at work. It can lead to exhaustion. Not to mention the tensions caused for your children, who will constantly seek to attract your attention. Two simple solutions: cut the wifi at a fixed time, and have a mailbox / a pro phone number.

10- Talk about work with peers

The absence of colleagues can seriously damage health. You risk telling your lover about your worries every night, debrief with the neighbor and even your children. It’s the best way to get into the day-to-day with your work and never find satisfying returns. Rather, join a collective in your branch, have lunch with people in your situation, network on the web or at conferences, coworkez from time to time in a dedicated space.

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