Analiza anticorpilor antitiroidieni

Analiza anticorpilor antitiroidieni

Definition of antithyroid antibody test

antithyroid antibodies (AAT) are abnormal antibodies (autoantibodies) that attack the glanda tiroida.

They appear mainly in case of boala autoimuna thyroid.

There are several types of AAT, which target different parts of the thyroid, including:

  • anticorps anti-thyroperoxydase (anti-TPO)
  • anti-thyroglobulin (anti-TG) antibody
  • anti-TSH receptor antibodies
  • anti-T3 and anti-T4 antibodies


Why do AAT analysis?

The AAT are especially dosed in the event of symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, but also in the assessments ofinfertilitate (repeated miscarriages) or in the follow-up of pregnant women who have presented with thyroid disease. Their regular analysis is useful for monitoring thyroid autoimmune diseases.

What results can be expected from an antithyroid antibody test?

The dosage of AAT is carried out by a probă de sânge venous, usually at the crease of the elbow. Results vary greatly from one analytical laboratory to another, and several measurements may be necessary. It is not necessary to be on an empty stomach before the sample.

The thyroid hormone assay (T3 and T4) can be performed at the same time.


What results can we expect from an antithyroid antibody test?

The presence of AAT, especially in small amounts, is not always associated with symptoms.

When the levels are abnormally high (especially anti-TPO), it usually means that there is a dysfunction of the thyroid. Only the doctor can interpret the results and give you a diagnosis.

Some autoimmune thyroid diseases include:

  • boala lui Hashimoto
  • adolescent thyroiditis
  • Boala Graves
  • postpartum thyroiditis (peak frequency 6 to 8 months after childbirth)

Pregnancy, certain cancers (thyroid), certain immune deficiencies can also be accompanied by an increase in AAT.

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