Complicațiile diabetului: ce teste pentru a le detecta?

Complicațiile diabetului: ce teste pentru a le detecta?

Complicațiile diabetului: ce teste pentru a le detecta?

Know the common complications of diabetes

Remember: you are in the best position to know if something is not normal, or to detect the occurrence of a complication. Being diabetic increases the risk of certain disorders or diseases. Here are the most common complications that you should pay attention to:

  • Ccomplicatii vasculare : be aware of chest pains (possible angina), persistent headaches, the occurrence of limping (limping), which may reflect a problem in an artery in the leg, in particular.
  • Complicații neurologice : it may be pain in the limbs (nerves weakened by diabetes), or any burning sensation, tingling, cold or hot, itching, reduced sensitivity … Also be vigilant in the event of disorders digestive system, erectile or urinary disorders, as well as repeated dizziness, as it may be an attack on the vegetative nervous system.
  • Complicații infecțioase : regularly check the condition of your feet, as well as the skin in general (there should be no ulcers or wounds). In the event of illness (fever, flu, diarrhea, etc.), consult your doctor promptly.

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