“Crackers” from the 1st of the year


Toilet paper rollers

Sheets of crepe paper

White glue or duct tape

Some small gifts and / or candies

hartie alba



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    Pasul 1:

    Place a roll of toilet paper in the middle of a sheet of crepe paper. Then slip the little surprises inside the roll.

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    Pasul 2:

    Being careful not to drop any surprises, wrap the crepe paper around the roll and hold it in place with a small piece of tape or white glue.

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    Pasul 3:

    Gently twist both ends of the paper to hold the surprises in place. (If ever it does not hold, we can reinforce it with a small piece of adhesive tape).

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    Pasul 4:

    Stick the first name of the recipient on each cracker. For the little ones who cannot read, the first name can be replaced by a small photo (scanned and then printed on a computer). You can add small Christmas images (cut out of wrapping paper or drawn yourself) or glitter if you want.

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