Dieta pentru inflamația intestinală la un adult

Dieta pentru inflamația intestinală la un adult

We are talking about the diet within the diet, which helps to restore digestion.

Inflammation in the intestines can occur due to overeating, dysbiosis, poisoning, autoimmune pathologies, and exposure to infections. One of the components of therapy is a special diet for intestinal inflammation, which will help restore digestion and accelerate recovery.

Diet with intestinal inflammation should normalize the functioning of the digestive system

What is the essence of a diet for intestinal inflammation

With inflammation in the digestive tract, the process of digesting food is disrupted, as a result, nutrients are poorly absorbed. The diet should create conditions under which food will be well absorbed and will not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines.

The essence of the special diet is as follows:

  • It should normalize motor-motor function and normalize microflora.

  • Prevent intestinal obstruction.

  • Food should not irritate the mucous membranes. It is important to exclude from the diet foods that cause fermentation and putrefactive processes.

  • A diet for an ailment involves eating food warm.

  • It is forbidden to eat foods that contain large amounts of coarse fiber.

  • Dishes should be boiled, steamed or baked.

The main principle of the diet is fractional nutrition. You need to eat often, but in small portions. This makes the bowel easier to function.

It is important to create a balanced diet and prepare foods correctly.

In addition, in case of inflammation, it is important to abandon certain types of products so as not to injure the inflamed mucous membrane even more.

What should be the diet for intestinal inflammation

In case of manifestations indicating the development of an inflammatory process in the intestine, the doctor will prescribe special medications and recommend a diet. You will need to stop using:

  • wheat bread and pastries;
  • seasonings and spicy foods;
  • produse afumate;
  • pește gras și carne;
  • radishes and radishes;
  • dulciuri;
  • produse cu macaroane;
  • ciuperci;
  • ceai și cafea.

A diet for intestinal inflammation in an adult allows the following foods:

  • lean meat or fish that are steamed;

  • supe cu bulion de legume;

  • supe de carne dietetice;

  • finely grated fresh carrots;

  • stewed or boiled zucchini, pumpkin;

  • fructe proaspete;

  • compotes and jelly;

  • produse lactate fermentate;

  • Miere;

  • produse de patiserie incomode;

  • vegetable and butter in a small amount.

If inflammation is accompanied by constipation, then you need to eat more vegetables, fruits, dried fruits. If diarrhea is worried, then the diet should include boiled rice and bananas.

With intestinal inflammation, diet is very important, only with strict adherence to it, recovery is possible.

Adept al stilului de viață sănătos, nutriționist, expert în nutriție, guru de fitness, fondator al studioului de fitness Homy, dezvoltator al propriei linii de îmbrăcăminte sport „Y by Yana Stepanova”, model

“Nutrition in case of intestinal inflammation should be balanced and correctly built,” says nutritionist Yana Stepanova. – I agree with the list of not recommended products. Regardless of whether you have gastrointestinal problems, I advise you to eliminate them from your diet. However, I cannot approve all products from the permitted list.

Vegetable broth soups are a great option. I also recommend making pureed soups with vegetable milk. The recipe is simple: beat vegetables from a double boiler with a blender and add any homemade vegetable milk (almond, coconut, cashew, oatmeal), as well as seasoning to taste. The result is a healthy and stomach-enveloping soup. Any vegetables are also welcome, however it is important that you eat raw vegetables for lunch. In the evening, stewed (without oil) or blanched options are assumed. Such dishes will be better absorbed and easier to digest (especially by a sore intestine).

Fruit is preferably unsweetened. Eliminate grapes, bananas, melons. Let fruit be in your diet only in the morning, as a separate meal. Because after eating, the fruit causes even more fermentation and discomfort in the intestines. And ideally, drink a smoothie made from herbs, berries and flax seeds soaked overnight, along with the resulting mucus.

But meat broths should be excluded. These foods are high in saturated fat, raising cholesterol levels and raising the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Moreover, animal bones accumulate lead, which has an extremely negative effect on the digestive tract. I would not recommend fermented milk products even to a healthy person. They ferment the body and form mucus. These are foods that are not assimilated or digested by the body of an adult.

Uncomfortable pastries containing gluten and sugar are best replaced with pancakes with the addition of apple and psyllium – psyllium husk, which contains fiber. Or, bake bread with green buckwheat, quinoa, almond or coconut flour. Try eliminating gluten for only 21 days and you will see a significant change in well-being.

Let me emphasize that diet is extremely important for intestinal inflammation. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime and three meals a day. But it needs to be properly balanced. While snacks 5-6 times a day will not give the body time to recover. Drink herbal teas and warm water between meals. “

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