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How to build a fence from corrugated board with your own hands: together with experts, we present step-by-step construction instructions

Decking remains one of the most popular fence materials – it is relatively economical and very durable. Especially if at the installation stage you scrupulously approach all construction nuances. Then the fence will last for a dozen years. For those who decide to independently install a fence from corrugated board with their own hands, Healthy Food Near Me has prepared instructions.

How to choose a corrugated board for a fence

Decide on an invoice

Most corrugated sheets do not look too aesthetically pleasing. However, today they are actively supplying imported materials with a coating that imitates wood, stone or brick. At the same time, the price of the material is not much more expensive than classic steel sheets. Therefore, if you want the fence to be combined with the ensemble of the entire site, it makes sense to look for material with texture1.

Sheet height and thickness

There is a simple economic rule: the higher and thicker the sheet, the more expensive each section is. The minimum thickness that is suitable for building a fence is 0,3 mm. This is the most budgetary and least durable material. It is better to pay attention to the profiled sheet with a thickness of 0,45-0,5 mm.

Coating and color

On sale you can find two types of corrugated sheets: galvanized (gray metal) and polymer-coated (color). Please note that the coating is not the same as the coloring. It’s just a protective layer. The colors of the profiled sheet are indicated by numbers in combination with the letter designations RAL or RR. For example, RAL 1018 is yellow and RR 21 is metallic gray.

Single or double sided

The one-sided one is covered with a protective layer only on the front side, and its reverse part, which will be hidden on the site, is covered with a gray primer. It is better to choose double-sided. It is more expensive, but not only looks prettier, but is also better protected from corrosion, thanks to the coating over the entire area.

Take an interest in the amount of zinc in the metal

The indicator is measured in grams per square meter. The more zinc, the stronger and more rust resistant the sheet will be. An indicator of 100 g / m² is bad and short-lived, and if more than 200 g / m² it is many times better, but also more expensive. The most durable sheets have an indicator of 275 g / m². The problem is that neither the amount of zinc nor the quality of the coating can be determined by eye. There is only one way out: buy from suppliers who give a large guarantee on the material of 10-15 years.

Which profile to choose

A profile is the geometry of a profiled sheet. The pattern of the coating and the width of the material depend on it. Profiles for profiled fences start with the letter C. To build a fence, it is customary to use C20, C21 or C8, C10. Other combinations of letters and numbers for the fence are unlikely to work, as they are produced based on the use for roofing, etc.

How to make a fence from corrugated board

Order material

Both construction hypermarkets, markets and private entrepreneurs sell corrugated board. Someone has materials in stock, and someone takes orders and transfers them to production. Production time usually does not exceed three days.

How long material to order? Exactly as much as was calculated in the estimate and a couple of spare sheets. In most stores, materials can be returned, and this is more convenient than traveling to buy more.

Don’t forget to buy logs and poles

There are standard offerings on the market here. Finding something above or below the following characteristics is difficult. The fence posts have dimensions of 60 * 60 mm, the wall thickness is 2 mm.

– For the fence frame, take a square section of the pillars. Then the welding point assembly will work much more reliably and look more aesthetically pleasing than when welding to a round post, says designer of energy-efficient houses iHouse TermoPlus Oleg Kuzmichev.

The characteristic of the lag – the crossbeams of the fence – is 40 * 20 mm with a wall thickness of 1,5-2 mm. Another thing is that you can install two or three lags. The second option is stronger and more expensive. Since the posts and logs are classic profile pipes, they are not painted, which means that they cannot be left in this state. Be sure to prime and paint building materials. Although today on sale you can find a pipe made of galvanized metal, on which the manufacturer applied a polymer in the color of the fence.

You will also need metal screws – ideally to match the color of the coating and the strips that cover the top of the fence. Self-tapping screws must be with an EPDM membrane (EPDM). It is made of rubber, used to fasten metal. It is worth buying plugs for poles, they are inexpensive, made of plastic. Will protect the end of the racks from moisture.

Sketch or draw a fence

Of course, you can imagine the scheme in your head. But it is best to measure your site and visualize the future design. So it will be easier to build a fence from corrugated board with your own hands.

Începe instalarea

We will describe a step-by-step instruction with a sequence of actions below. Recall that to install a fence with your own hands, you will need:

How to install a corrugated fence

Etapa pregătitoare

Before purchasing materials and preparing a tool, a great solution would be to discuss the fence with your neighbors. This is the part that separates the two sections. If there are disputes regarding the boundaries, then call the surveyors. The service is provided by private companies.

– Discuss with your neighbors the future design of your fence. Since the adjacent fence, by law, cannot exceed 1500 mm and must have a transparency of 50 to 100% so as not to obscure the site. The material should not heat the land of neighbors and not be toxic and dangerous, explains Oleg Kuzmichev.

If you have a good relationship with your neighbors, you can arrange to pay for materials for an adjacent fence together.

Decideți tipul de fundație

Strip foundation, brick pillars, or a combination of both is the most durable and expensive option. Screw or bored piles are no less reliable. But the strip foundation is capricious to the ground, so it is better to leave its construction at the mercy of specialists.

Calculate the pitch

If you use the most common section of the column 60 * 60 * 2 mm, then the distance between them should be from 2 to 2,5 m. The windier the area, the smaller the step.

– In practice, it is not always possible to maintain the distance between the pillars. After all, if we take the distance between the extreme points, it will not be a multiple. Take a tape measure, take a measurement and divide by a multiple in the direction of decreasing the distance between the posts. So it will be clear how many pillars you need, – explains the expert of Healthy Food Near Me.

Digging holes and installing poles

The depth of the post hole (pit) should be 1500 mm. This is the best indicator for clay soils, loams and sandy, rocky soils. If the area is swampy, then you can not do without screw piles. An experienced builder or soil specialist will help calculate the exact depth indicator.

All fence posts must be recessed to the same length. Exception: posts for gates and gates. They should be more massive, and their installation in the ground more fundamental.

The final height of all the pillars after installation may vary slightly, so it would be useful to mark one level for all with a string and cut off the pillars along it.

The upper cut of the metal profile – a square or round pole – must be closed with a special plastic plug or welded so that water does not get into the pole. The lower part also needs waterproofing.

If you want the most reliable foundation, then the pillars are best concreted. True, after that you will have to wait about two days before continuing work.

We fasten the logs

Longitudinal guides are made from a profile. They will tie the posts horizontally and the corrugated board is attached to them in the future. To build a fence with your own hands, you can use two or three horizontal veins. But for maximum reliability and durability, it is better to install three: in the center and 50 mm from the edges.

The connection of poles with lags is usually done by welding. However, if poles with pre-welded plates were used to fasten the longitudinal guides, then a wooden block can also be used.

Beautiful frame

Before mounting the sheets, it is necessary to paint the frame with high quality. If this is not done, then rust will eat the metal in a couple of years. Part of the poles installed in the ground must also be painted. Therefore, when building a fence using welding, pre-painted elements are very often used, and only at the joints they are tinted already in place.

We fasten sheets of corrugated board

Sheets are screwed onto the finished painted frame. Since the sheet is steel, you need to use special screws, the tip of which has the shape of a drill. This one easily drills a sheet and a metal guide profile.

Sheets can be painted or galvanized, have various profiling options, so it is necessary to determine the front side in advance and follow this sequence.

We show special care with the sheets when they are mounted on the gate and the gate, these moving elements are constantly in sight and carry an increased load.

Întrebări și răspunsuri populare

How long will a corrugated fence last?

Decking is different. If you want to forget about the fence for at least 40-50 years, then you need to buy a professional sheet coated with Quarzit, Quarzit Pro Matt. This is ArcelorMittal rolled metal. The zinc content in it per 1 m² is 265 g, the coating is polyurethane. The thickness of the steel is 0,5 mm uncoated, explains Oleg Kuzmichev. – The advantage of these two materials is that the color does not fade from exposure to direct sunlight. A guarantee for a covering of 30 years, which cannot be said about corrugated board with a polyester coating. If we talk about the Quarzit Pro Matt coating, such a fence looks much more interesting, since the coating is matte and the service life is higher.

The service life of a fence made of an ordinary profiled sheet coated with polyester 0,35-0,4 mm thick with zinc 120-160 g per 1 m² is also quite high. But in direct sunlight it fades quickly. After about 5-6 years, it loses its original appearance and may have dents from a simple hit by a soccer ball.

How to check the quality of corrugated fence materials?

It is necessary first of all to make sure of the declared thickness of the purchased materials. If possible, supervise loading and unloading. Ask to present certificates for building materials and give a manufacturer’s guarantee, – answers Dmitry Romancha, Chief Engineer of the Romancha Steel Structures Workshop.

How long does fence decking cost?

If you are going to build a fence from corrugated board with your own hands, then you will certainly call and look at the materials offered by suppliers. Just to decide on the price / quality ratio is not always easy. We give the average prices for the material to make it easier to navigate.

Sheet C8 0,3-0,35 mm galvanized – 350 rubles. per m².

Sheet C10 0,45 double-sided – 500 rubles. per m².

Sheet C8 0,5 mm with polyurethane coating – 900 rubles. per m².


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