Meditație ghidată Cum să te reinventezi și să lași în urmă ceea ce nu te umple

Meditație ghidată Cum să te reinventezi și să lași în urmă ceea ce nu te umple

The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, provides in this guided meditation session the keys to find the motivation and courage necessary to take another step

Meditație ghidată Cum să te reinventezi și să lași în urmă ceea ce nu te umplePM7: 25

El cultural, it is an intrinsic part of life. At every moment, our environment, our body, our mind, change. We live continuously mişcare y transformare. However, many times we insist on not seeing it, denying it or thinking and convincing ourselves that “better known bad than good to know” and we cling to “no change.” We hold on to chestii, personas, relații o modele that served us in the moment in which they arose but that, here and now, no longer have a value or a constructive meaning in our lives.

It is important to stop revizui what is it that no longer adds to our lives, what things, patterns or relationships weigh and we can, from the moment prezenta, allow them to change.

Eliberați, letting go to be able to accommodate what does have a meaning in your prezenta, in your day. We can reinvent ourselves at every moment, we have the ability to continue growing and, for this, we have prepared this meditaţie for you. So that from the present, we can leave behind, let go, to receive, grow and return to reinventează-te.

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