Cum să fii un părinte bun în toate etapele de creștere a unui copil

What to remember when your baby is 5 months old? What to pay attention to when he is 6 years old? How to act when he is 13? The expert speaks.

1. Stage of existence: from birth to 6 months

At this stage, the parent must meet the needs of the child, hold him in his arms, talk to him, repeat the sounds he makes. You can not treat him rudely or indifferently, punish him, criticize and ignore him. The child does not yet know how to think independently, so it is necessary to “do” it for him. If you are not sure whether you are taking care of the child correctly, then you should consult with specialists.

2. Action stage: 6 to 18 months

It is necessary to touch the child as often as possible so that he can experience sensory sensations, for example, through massage or joint games. Turn on music for him, play educational games. Spend as much time as possible communicating: talk, duplicate the sounds he makes and try not to interrupt. It is still not recommended to scold or punish a child.

3. Thinking stage: 18 months to 3 years

At this stage, it is necessary to encourage the child to simple actions. Tell him about the rules of behavior, about how different things and phenomena are called. Teach him the basic words that are important for safety — “no”, “sit down”, “come”.

The child must understand that he can (and should) express emotions without hitting and screaming — encouraging him to be physically active will especially help here. At the same time, “wrong” feelings should not be prohibited — allow the child to express both positive and negative emotions. Do not take his outbursts of anger to heart — and do not respond to them with aggression. And don’t put too much pressure on your child.

4.Identity and strength stage: 3 to 6 years

Help your child explore the reality around him: answer questions of interest and tell how the world works so that he does not form false ideas about it. But discuss certain topics with caution, such as differences between men and women. All information must be by age. Whatever questions and ideas the child voices, in no case do not tease him or make fun of him.

5. Structure stage: 6 to 12 years

During this period, it is important to develop in the child the ability to resolve conflict situations and make independent decisions. Give him the opportunity to take responsibility for his behavior — if, of course, its consequences do not present danger. Discuss different problems with your child and explore options for solving them. Talk about life values. Pay close attention to the topic of puberty.

Being older, the child can already take part in household chores. But here it is important to find a “golden mean”: do not overload him with lessons and other things, because then he will not have time for hobbies and hobbies.

6. Stage of identification, sexuality and separation: from 12 to 19 years

At this age, parents should talk to their child about emotions and talk about their experiences (including sexual ones) in adolescence. At the same time, inappropriate behavior of the child should be discouraged by clearly expressing your opinion about drugs, alcohol and irresponsible sexual behavior.

Encourage his desire to separate from the family and become independent. And remember that any attempts to make fun of the features of the child’s appearance and his hobbies are unacceptable. Even if you do it «loving».

The main thing to remember is that a child needs parental love, attention and care at any stage of growing up. He must feel that he is under protection, that the family is nearby and will support him at the right time.

Give your child the right life guidelines, help him in mental and physical development. Just don’t overprotect him by trying to think and make decisions for him. Still, your key task is to help the child grow up and become a person who knows how to take responsibility for his actions and find ways out of any life situations.

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