
Demanding in a love curve

A person in crooked love expects a lot from the “object of adoration” and demands little from himself.

Demanding in right love

A man in right love makes demands first pentru tineand not to a loved one.

I have obligations only towards myself. How I behave, how I love you, how I do something towards you… That’s all. I have obligations to myself, but not demands on you.

How does the beloved behave, does she do everything that I consider obligatory for myself to do? I will not think about it, I will consciously withdraw myself from the assessments of the one I love. Will the beloved behave 100%, 80% or 30% — I don’t look at it. The task of the beloved is simply to BE. It is enough for me to know that it simply IS.

I know that you love me exactly as much as you can do it. I know, I see that you want it, that you are looking for it. And then — questions of health, condition, mood, fatigue, etc. My task is to help you. But I can’t evaluate and rate you. This is fundamentally wrong, and I do not ask myself such questions.

There is only one assessment and exactingness: the beloved must not cross a certain lower bound.

If a loved one starts drinking, rowdy or foul language, then this is simply not my favorite. The beloved has one task — to remain herself, the one that I already know and love. Do not change yourself, do not fall below a certain level. It is necessary. But that’s all. See →

Ce dragoste crește din ce

What kind of love — it largely depends on what underlies it: physiology or social stereotypes, feelings or mind, a healthy and rich soul — or lonely and sick … Choice-based love is usually correct and often healthy, although with a crooked head it is possible and martyr options.

Dragostea corectă este în grija pentru cine trăiește, nu în lacrimi pentru cine a plecat și cine este pierdut. O persoană în dragoste corectă își cere în primul rând pe sine și nu pe iubitul său.

Love-I want usually grows out of sexual attraction. Sick love almost always grows out of neurotic attachment, love is suffering, sometimes covered with a romantic touch.

Dragostea fiecăruia dintre noi este o reflectare a personalității noastre, iar comuna oamenilor și a vieții noastre, dezvoltarea pozițiilor noastre de percepție determină în mare măsură tipul și natura iubirii noastre. Vezi →

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