Natural antibiotics – you have them in your kitchen

When you catch a cold, it is worth visiting the kitchen. There you will find a lot of products that act as a natural antibiotic and will quickly deal with the first symptoms of a cold. This knowledge is especially valuable at the turn of autumn and winter, when infections attack us from all sides.

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1/ 6 usturoi

Garlic has been valued in natural medicine for centuries. And rightly so – there is scientific evidence that it helps fight pathogens. Allicin is produced when a clove of garlic is mechanically disrupted – e.g. during pressing -. It is a substance with bactericidal properties. It is also allicin that is responsible for the smell of garlic, which cannot be confused with any other flavor. Garlic is best eaten raw, for example as an ingredient in a salad dressing or a dip. Photo Shutterstock / meaofoto

2/ 6 Onions

Allicin is also contained in onion, which therefore has antibacterial properties similar to garlic. Suddenly it turns out that onion syrup is not just a rural superstition, but actually has healing properties. Photo Shutterstock / Alena Haurylik

3/ 6 Grapefruit seed extract

Already in 2002, «The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine» reported the results of a study which proved that grapefruit seed extract fights bacteria. Several dozen strains of pathogens were used in the test, and the tested substance coped with each of them. photo: Shutterstock / flil

4/ 6 Manuka honey

Honey has many health benefits. It has long been used not only in the kitchen, but also externally to treat skin lesions. All thanks to the fact that honey is exceptionally rich in vitamins. Among honeys, however, Manuka honey has special properties. It turns out that in addition to the standard advantages, it also has antibacterial properties. Photo Shutterstock / mama_mia

5/ 6 Turmeric long

Turmeric, or turmeric, a popular spice in Indian cuisine, may inhibit the development of breast cancer and its metastasis. We owe the discovery of these extraordinary properties to American scientists from the University of Houston in Texas. They proved that curcumin – the active compound of turmeric, stimulates the suicide death of cancer cells. This effect is greatest in the presence of black pepper or paprika, especially chilli. Americans have proven that curcumin prevents the development of cancer of the breast, colon, stomach, liver, and even ovaries and leukemia. They are also conducting research to see if curcumin has a similar effect in the treatment of pancreatic cancer and multiple myeloma.

6/6 Wasabi

Wasabi paste is prepared from Japanese horseradish, otherwise known as Japanese wasabia. Wasabi is a must-have addition to sushi for a reason. And it is not about the taste qualities of an extremely hot paste. This type of horseradish has antifungal and antibacterial properties. The Japanese have been adding it to raw seafood for centuries to avoid food poisoning. Photo Shutterstock / matin

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