
​​​​​​​Those who look for castles, sports car parks and a fleet of Boeings in my life will be severely disappointed. I don’t have planes, cars or houses. My world is walking and taking the subway, as well as sleeping in a rented room measuring 18-20 m2. Those who would like to switch places with me will also have to completely give up alcohol, meat and expensive clothes.

For more than 10 years — since the time when I was a very poor student — I never get tired of repeating: money is overvalued, because creation is much more interesting than consumption, and the internal state is incommensurably more important than the external one. As soon as you make a cult out of money and exchange «to be» for «to seem», you send yourself into voluntary slavery. Debt due to status frills, boring work with dull underpants, the need to lie and betray your world — these are just some of the prices you will pay for excessive desire for paper.

We refuse to accept a world where people can fight and betray their humanity for money. If there are people who go for it, their behavior should be subjected to severe ostracism, in no case be taken as logical. A society in which violence for the sake of money is acceptable and understandable cannot exist for long.

The most terrible sin among fans of the cult of money is to throw money away in the literal sense.

Adherents of the golden calf read with understanding news about the purchase of yachts worth the size of a small city or cars for $ 2 million. But launching into free flight a thousand times smaller amount will destroy their picture of the world and blur the value foundation. A foundation of false values ​​that predetermined unhealthy social norms that justify true waste and violence for the sake of paper.

There is an ancient saying: “A slave does not want to be free; he wants to have his own slaves.» A person cannot become truly free as long as he exists in the dead-end slave-master paradigm. In this system, every master is someone’s slave, and every slave is someone’s master. Remaining a slave to money, it is impossible to become a true master of your own life.

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