Pseudoplectania blackish (Pseudoplectania nigrella)

organism roditor: cup-shaped, rounded, veined, leathery. The inner surface of the body of the fungus is smooth, the outer surface is velvety. The size of the fruiting body is small from one to three centimeters, there are also larger specimens, but less often. Black in color, sometimes the outer surface of the fruiting body may acquire a reddish-brown color. Spores are smooth, colorless, spherical in shape.

Pulbere de spori: albicios.

Spread: Grows in mosses. Found in large groups from the beginning of May.

Similitudine: Not installed.

Comestibilitate: Hardly. Some sources claim that in 2005, a strong antibiotic was discovered in Pseudoplektania blackish, which they called Plectazin. But, this does not mean that the mushroom is suitable for eating.


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