Risk factors for heart problems, cardiovascular diseases (angina and heart attack)

Risk factors for heart problems, cardiovascular diseases (angina and heart attack)

obiceiuri de viață are intimately linked to heart and blood vessel health. According to the World Health Organization, the alimentatie proasta, lipsa activității fizice și fumat are responsible for about 80% of heart problems and strokes2.

Studiul Interheart3, conducted in 2004, remains an important benchmark for healthcare professionals. The data comes from 52 countries on 5 continents, for around 30 participants. Its results indicate that 9 de factori (6 risk factors and 3 protective factors) predict 90% of myocardial infarctions in men and 94% in women. This study in particular highlighted the significant impact of cronică de stres asupra sănătății inimii.

Lecția 6 factori de risc :

  • hypercholesterolemia: 4 times higher risk;
  • smoking: risk 3 times higher;
  • diabetes: risk 3 times higher;
  • hypertension: 2,5 times higher risk;
  • le cronică de stres (depression, professional stress, relationship problems, financial worries, etc.): risk 2,5 times higher;
  • un high waistline (abdominal obesity): risk 2,2 times higher.

The 3 factors that exert a efect protector :

  • the daily consumption of fructe și legume;
  • moderate consumption ofalcool (the equivalent of 1 drink per day for women and 2 for men);
  • the regular practice ofexercițiu fizic.

Note that the relative importance of each of these risk factors varies from individual to individual, and also from country to country.

Alți factori de risc

Main triggers for heart attacks in a person at risk54

Road traffic (stress and air pollution)

Efort fizic

Consumul de alcool

Consumul de cafea

Exposure to air pollution

Negative emotions (anger, frustration, stress, etc.)

Large meal

Positive emotions (joy, enthusiasm, happiness, etc.)

Cocaine use *

Activitatea sexuală

* This is the strongest trigger.

The atmospheric pollution. Even though scientists have been more interested in it since the early 1990s, it is still difficult to measure the effect.12, 27,41-43. Air pollution caused approximately 21 premature deaths in Canada in 000, according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation41. About half of them would have occurred through heart attack, stroke or heart failure. It is mostly people already at risk of cardiovascular problems who are sensitive to it. According to a large British study published in 2008, people who live in the greenest environments (parks, trees, etc.) have a lower mortality rate (by 6%) than those who live in neighborhoods with the least vegetation27.

Foarte Particule fine suspended in the air (especially those with a diameter of less than 2,5 micrometers) enter the respiratory tract and cause răspuns inflamator throughout the organization42. These ultrafine particles create hardening of the arteries which, over time, circulate blood less efficiently.

Second-hand smoke. Epidemiological studies indicate that being regularly exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke increases the risk of coronary artery disease, comparable to that of a “light” smoker.7,44.

Blood tests that put the trail? Not so sure.

Câteva analize de sange were developed in the hope of better predicting the risk of heart attack. Their use remains marginal; they are not part of the routine examinations. The 3 doctors interviewed (including a cardiologist)51 believe that these tests are unnecessary, in addition to being expensive. Their opinion reflects the results of the most recent studies. Here are some explanations.

A high level of C-reactive protein. C-reactive protein is one of many molecules produced during an inflammatory immune response. It is secreted by the liver and circulates in the blood. While it is true that its concentration increases in people at risk of heart attack and remains low in healthy people9,10, a large study concluded that reduce the level of C-reactive protein did not reduce mortality50. Note that several health problems cause the level of C-reactive protein in the blood to vary (obesity, arthritis, infection, etc.). Therefore, the result of this test is difficult to interpret.

A high level of fibrinogen. This other protein produced by the liver plays a central role in the process of coagularea sângelui. It was thought that a high level of fibrinogen could contribute to the formation of cheaguri de sânge, which could eventually cause a heart attack or stroke. Like C-reactive protein, its level increases during an inflammatory reaction. The measurement of the fibrinogen level is mainly used in Europe. This test, however, has not been proven.

A high level of homocysteine. It is believed that if this amino acid is found in too much concentration in the blood, the chances of suffering from atherosclerosis increase. Tissues use homocysteine ​​to make proteins. You can lower your homocysteine ​​level by making sure you eat a diet that contains sufficient amounts of vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid) and B129. Consumption of fruits and vegetables has a positive effect on homocysteine ​​levels. However, lowering the homocysteine ​​level has no impact on mortality.


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