Stimularea travaliului: consecințe. Video

Stimularea travaliului: consecințe. Video

In most cases, childbirth occurs naturally and begins exactly when it should happen. However, if the pregnancy is prolonged, or there is a need to accelerate the birth of a child for medical reasons, methods are used to induce contractions artificially. If a woman knows that she too may be faced with stimulation of labor, she should learn in advance as much as possible about the methods of medical assistance in such cases.

Stimulation of labor: consequences

When is labor stimulation needed?

There are 4 main cases in which artificial induction of labor is used. First of all, this is overburdening, i.e. prolonged pregnancy. If a woman has been carrying a baby under her heart for 41 weeks, she is offered to induce contractions using special methods. The second popular case is prolonged labor. If the waters have receded more than a day ago, but there are still no contractions, they have to be called artificially.

Stimulation during prolonged labor is not always used, but the woman in labor should take into account that it is desirable. The fact is that the absence of contractions in such cases increases the risk of infectious diseases and complications.

Another two reasons for stimulating labor are associated with diseases. If a woman develops an illness that endangers her life, and it is almost impossible to save a pregnant woman without harming the baby, stimulation is used. In this case, both the mother and the child remain alive, while the woman receives medical assistance and restores her health. The last reason is diabetes. In this disease, stimulation is usually offered after the 38th week of pregnancy to rule out the possibility of complications.

The secret to successful labor induction lies in choosing the right method. In each case, the doctor must conduct examinations and decide which option is most suitable. If you do not want to immediately resort to medical intervention, use two simple folk methods – breast stimulation and sex stimulation of labor. Irritation of the nipples, i.e. pinching or nibbling and intercourse can help speed up the onset of labor.

If traditional methods do not help, you may be offered an artificial detachment of the amniotic membranes. This method can be ineffective, in which case it is reused. It should be noted that this is not a very pleasant procedure. If this method does not help, prostaglandin, a drug that causes uterine contractions, is used. It usually lasts 6-24 hours and helps prepare the uterus for labor.

If the previous two methods did not work, or if their use for some reason is impossible, doctors often use oxytocin or its analogues. This drug is administered intravenously, controlling the dose and ensuring that the contractions are of the right strength. This option helps to achieve dilatation of the cervix without hyperstimulation, which can be dangerous for the baby and mother.

About childbirth in water, read the next article.

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