Cu sau fără mască? Oamenii de știință știu când suntem mai atrăgători
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Research by British and Japanese scientists shows that covering your face can help you … dating more effectively. The results of the observations suggest that the face mask may increase our attractiveness, and especially the surgical one is supposed to work here. Experts explain the reasons for this phenomenon.

  1. Scientists from the Department of Psychology at the University of Cardiff checked when men are perceived by women as more attractive
  2. Their observations show that women like men wearing a blue surgical mask
  3. Even before the pandemic, the situation was quite different. Scientists believe that masks are more and more often associated with responsibility and knowledge
  4. A similar study was also conducted in Japan, where men found women wearing masks more attractive
  5. Mai multe informații pot fi găsite pe pagina principală a TvoiLokony

Seven months after mandatory masks were imposed on citizens, scientists wanted to see if they had an impact on the perception of attractiveness. The study was conducted by employees of the Department of Psychology at the University of Cardiff.

Masks are associated with professionals

Pre-pandemic studies indicated that medical face masks made them less attractive. So we wanted to see if this perception changed as they became commonplace. We also checked their type – said Michael Lewis, co-author of the project, quoted by The Guardian.

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In a study published in the journal Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 43 women were asked to rate 40 male faces with and without different types of masks. – Our observations suggest that faces are most attractive when covered with medical masks. Perhaps because we are used to health professionals wearing blue face masks, and now associate them with people who are in the care and medical professions Lewis added.

Masks may hide shortcomings

In a pre-pandemic study, respondents said they associate masks with disease and will try to avoid people covering their faces. A survey conducted in April 2021 says otherwise.

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Observations indicate a complete trend reversal. – This effect may be caused hiding some undesirable features in the lower part of the face. It occurred in both less and more attractive people, Lewis admitted.

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Puteți cumpăra un set de măști de filtrare FFP2 la un preț atractiv de pe

Previously, a similar study was conducted in Japan, where in turn men found women wearing masks to be more attractive to them. The results were published in 2021 and were completely different from those five years ago. Khandis Blake of the University of Melbourne – quoted by – believes that nowadays taking care of one’s own health is perceived as more attractive. According to Blake, face masks can also be considered knowledge symbol.

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