Osteocondroză cervicală în timpul sarcinii, exacerbare

Osteocondroză cervicală în timpul sarcinii, exacerbare

Carrying a child is a test for the female body. Against the background of the growing load, the expectant mother aggravates old diseases, new ailments appear. We will tell you why osteochondrosis occurs during pregnancy and how it happens. From the article you will learn how to recognize the disease and relieve pain.

We will tell you why osteochondrosis occurs during pregnancy and how it happens. From the article you will learn how to recognize the disease and relieve pain.

Causes and features of the course of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disease that affects the discs and articular cartilage of the spine. It begins with a lack of synovial fluid – a thick lubricant that reduces friction and wear on the articular surfaces. Without sufficient moisture, the cartilage loses its elasticity, and the vertebrae are worn out.

Pain occurs when the bones, which are in contact more and more, pinch the nerve endings. If the intervertebral discs compress blood vessels, a feeling of numbness occurs.

An exacerbation of osteochondrosis during pregnancy occurs, as a rule, in women who have previously had back problems. The development of the disease is facilitated by:

  • boala metabolica;
  • lipsa activității fizice;
  • flat feet and / or poor posture;
  • a sharp increase in body weight.

If a woman has experienced back pain before pregnancy, she needs to consult a neurologist as soon as possible and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

Is the disease dangerous? Even mild pain can poison life, let alone the strong. The situation is complicated by the fact that a pregnant woman can only take certain analgesics and for a short period. It is even worse when osteochondrosis negatively affects the work of internal organs, leading to a change in the shape and size of the pelvis. With such complications, childbirth is possible only by caesarean section.

Pregnancy and osteochondrosis: how to eliminate the disease

Depending on which part of the spine is affected, lumbar, thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis are distinguished. Most often, pregnant women suffer from lower back pain, since these vertebrae have an increased load. With such osteochondrosis, pain can be felt not only in the lower back, but also in the sacrum and legs.

If the thoracic vertebrae are affected, the condition worsens with deep breaths, bends. Cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy is fraught with migraines, dizziness, visual impairment.

The disease at the initial stage can be painless.

A woman should be alerted by convulsions, decreased sensitivity of the limbs, and limited movement.

Treat osteochondrosis of pregnant women in a drug-free way. Women are recommended to do exercise therapy, swimming, and regularly walk in the fresh air. To reduce the load on the spine, the doctor may recommend a special support corset or bandage. For pain in the cervical spine, you can make warm compresses based on herbal decoctions.

So, the diagnosis “osteochondrosis” in some cases can cause delivery by cesarean section. Swimming and physiotherapy exercises help to cope with a mild form of the disease.

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