Mâncăruri înșelătoare: am crezut că este mâncare sănătoasă, dar acestea sunt bombe calorice

When we go on a diet, we make a menu of low-calorie foods and do not even suspect that some of them may be higher in calories than marshmallows and cola! Why is this happening? We are studying the issue together with the specialists of the Conspiracy Theory program on Channel One.

26 2019 iunie

This unique vegetable is known for its negative calorie content. It contains so much fiber (and also calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin C and other microelements and vitamins) that the body, processing it, goes into a minus. But this is only if the broccoli is eaten raw. And we cook it, and most often we prepare cream soup. And to make the soup tasty, add chicken broth, cream or eggs, the result is an anti-dietary dish. What’s more, broccoli soup can be hazardous to your health! In broccoli broth, the toxic substance guanidine is formed, which in a concentrated form can cause chemical burns, and it also contributes to the appearance of uric acid, which provokes the development of gout.

Ce să fac? Be sure to pour the broccoli broth and use water instead. You cannot do without fat at all, because vitamins A and E contained in a vegetable cannot be absorbed without it. But you can add a drop of butter or cream. “There is a dietary oil containing omega-3 fatty acids: olive or flaxseed,” says nutritionist Marina Astafieva. – Add healthy products: lemon, boiled chicken, grated pear. The taste will be wonderful. “

There is a widespread belief that sweets should be replaced with dried fruits. But in a croissant with chocolate – 65 calories, in a glazed donut – 195, and in a small package of raisins – 264! In addition, low-quality raisins are often oiled to make them shine, which makes them even more nutritious. And to make the grapes dry faster, add sulfur dioxide. Some manufacturers honestly write this substance in the composition on the package. But if sulfur dioxide is less than 1%, then according to the law it is possible not to indicate it.

Ce să fac? “Buy raisins with a tail, they do not withstand a chemical attack and fall off,” advises an expert on natural food Lidia Seregina. As wild as it sounds, the size of the raisins matters. The larger, the more high-calorie. And the lighter it is, the less sugar it contains. The country of origin is also important. Raisins from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are dried from raisins raisins, therefore they are the most nutritious. And from Germany or France – low-calorie, since white grape varieties grow there. Remember: nondescript, ugly little raisins are the most natural, and also the cheapest!

This drink is loved in Russia no less than in Italy. But in calories, a cup of cappuccino is equal to a half-liter bottle of cola – more than 200 kilocalories! Agree, if you drink a bottle of cola every day, then in a month you will definitely add a couple of kilos. The effect of cappuccino is exactly the same! The blame for everything is the foam for coffee, the fattest milk is used for it, from which it is fuller and thicker.

Ce să fac? Do not drink cappuccino in a cafe, but at home. Take skim milk. The foam will not be as high, but the taste of the coffee itself will become brighter and richer. Or ask for a soy milk drink.

Everyone considers it satisfying and very useful. Think about it: in a glass of Coca-Cola there are about 80 calories, and in a plate with oatmeal, boiled in water, without salt and sugar, – 220! But it is impossible to eat it like that, and we also add butter, jam or milk, sugar, fruits, and this is already 500 kcal. The dish almost turns into a cake.

Ce să fac? Make a Scottish porridge. Buy cereals, not cereals. Cook the porridge in water over low heat, stirring constantly, slowly, for about half an hour. Add salt at the end of cooking. The porridge turns out to be tender, aromatic and tasty without any additives.

Everyone is sure that this is the most dietary fruit, how many fasting days have been invented on apples … But in fact, in a banana – 180 calories, in a branch of grapes – 216, and in a big apple – up to 200! Compare: there are only 30 kilocalories in one marshmallow. When apples ripen, the amount of simple sugars (fructose, glucose) increases. Accordingly, the more ripe the apple, the more simple sugars it contains.

Ce să fac? Not all apples are created equal in calories. It seems that the most nutritious should be red. It turns out not. “A red or burgundy apple contains about 100 calories per 47 grams,” says dietitian and psychotherapist Sergei Oblozhko. – In a pink apple there are about 40, but in a yellow one with a red barrel – more than 50, it contains almost pure sugars. Choose apples that have a distinctly sour taste. “

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