Copii: ce dieta sa fii sanatos toata iarna?

Strengthening children’s immunity through food: the expert opinion

What to put on children’s plates to ensure good health throughout the winter? Dr Catherine Laurençon, pan editor specializing in micro-nutrition in Menton (Maritime Alps), gives us his advice:“To fight infections, the body has several cartridges. First of all, anticorpi, proteins, capable of identifying viruses or bacteria and triggering a specific immune reaction. Then, celule albe that attack germs. And at the back, Limfocite T that activate white blood cells. Food plays an important role in this good functioning. “


Probiotics, for top intestinal flora

What is the relationship between the digestive system and immunity? As astonishing as it may sound, the intestinal lining acts as a natural barrier against germs. “Three-quarters of immunity takes place in the intestines,” explains pediatrician Dr. Laurençon. The bacteria that make up our intestinal flora play several roles. They prevent “bad” bacteria from setting in, aid digestion and stimulate the immune system. In which foods to find these “good” bacteria, the famous probiotics?Infant milks are now almost all enriched with probiotics. There are also some in dairy products, yogurts, white cheeses and fermented milks such as kefir. Certain fermented cheeses such as Gouda, Mozzarella, Cheddar, Camembert or Roquefort also contain it. On the other hand, dessert creams do not contain any. To boost the beneficial action of these “good” intestinal bacteria, it is important to also give your child prebiotice.

Unde pot găsi prebiotice?

In the fibers of certain vegetables and fruits. Among the top 5: artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, banana, leek and asparagus. It is also found in lacto-fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut, and in natural sourdough bread.

Fruits and vegetables for vitamin C

For top immune defenses, it is important to stock up on vitamins, minerals and fiber. In practice: fruits that contain vitamin C help to multiply white blood cells and stimulate the production of interferon, a molecule that boosts the immune system. Top: citrus fruits, kiwis and red fruits. If he has a cold, add these fruits to every meal for a few days. As for vegetables, all the cabbages are full of vitamin C. Just like the orange-colored vegetables – carrot, pumpkin, pumpkin… Ditto for lamb’s lettuce, fennel or spinach, which also provide vitamin A. Ideal for stimulating the cells of the respiratory and intestinal mucous membranes, super barriers against microbes. Paris mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, and those of Japanese origin such as Shitakes contain polysaccharide, a molecule that increases the number of white blood cells and their activity.


He has a cold ?

Put fruit in all his meals – citrus fruits, kiwis, red fruits in particular – for a few days, it will immediately give punch to his body.

Oily fish, for omega 3 and vitamin D

Macrou, sardine, hering... asigură acizi grași esențiali, faimosul omega 3, which have an anti-inflammatory action and help the body fight infections. In addition, oily fish contain vitamin D, which boosts immune cells. Good allies to put on the plates of the youngest, twice a week. Choose quality products: Label Rouge, “Bleu Blanc Cœur”, organic logo “AB” guaranteeing the absence of GMOs …


Essential, vitamin D

Your pediatrician will certainly prescribe it for your child during the less sunny six months, in ampoules or drops. But be aware that it is found in certain foods such as fatty fish or butter. It is also found in organ meats such as calf or poultry liver. You can give it to your child from 1 year old.

Spices and herbs to resist infections

We do not always dare to sprinkle the plate of the youngest and yet, some spices and herbs have an anti-infectious and antimicrobial action. Vary every day between garlic, mint, chives, basil… To be used in small quantities from the start of food diversification.


Spices side

Wait 18 months for spices such as thyme, rosemary, ginger, turmeric, paprika, cumin, curry …

Proteins, for their iron content

Animal and vegetable proteins provide iron which is one of the fuels of the immune system. Indeed, if your child is deficient in iron, his body slows down. Suddenly, he is more tired and there is a risk of colds and other infections. To give it enough iron, bet on animal proteins that are the most provided. Put on the menu: red meats (beef, lamb, duck) twice a week. White meats (chicken, veal…) also twice a week. Not to mention eggs, sources of selenium and whose amino acids are essential for tissue growth and repair. To be consumed once or twice a week. Also bet on vegetables rich in iron: peppers, leeks, potatoes. And on legumes: all beans, lentils, soybeans, peas (chick, split). 

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