Covid-19: Sunt femeile însărcinate deosebit de expuse?

Covid-19: Sunt femeile însărcinate deosebit de expuse?

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Dr Cécile Monteil, Pediatric Emergency Physician at Robert-Debré Hospital, indicates that pregnant women are considered a population at risk in the case of Covid-19, but that they do not have more serious forms than other women. 

In addition, Dr. Monteil specifies that there are no negative effects of the disease on the newborn. Very few infants test positive for the coronavirus, and it seems that transmission took place more after birth through droplets emitted by the mother rather than in the womb before birth. 

The organism of pregnant women is disturbed. Their immune system is usually weakened during pregnancy. It is for this reason that pregnant women must be vigilant in the face of coronavirus, although no action is officially recommended for it. It must strictly apply barrier gestures and go out masked, even in cities where wearing a mask is partially compulsory, such as Lille or Nancy. Studies are underway in France, the United States and the United Kingdom concerning women infected with Covid-19 during pregnancy. A very low number of cases of pregnant women infected with Covid-19 have been identified. Scientists lack hindsight and data at the moment. Nothing is said, however, some complications are linked, such as premature birth or a slightly higher risk of cesarean section. However, the vast majority of babies are healthy. Pregnant women are advised to be careful, but can be reassured, because this remains exceptional. 

Interviu realizat de jurnaliștii de la ora 19.45 difuzat în fiecare seară pe M6.

Echipa PasseportSanté lucrează pentru a vă oferi informații fiabile și actualizate despre coronavirus. 

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  • Foaia noastră de boală despre coronavirus 
  • Articolul nostru de știri actualizat zilnic transmite recomandări guvernamentale
  • Articolul nostru despre evoluția coronavirusului în Franța
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