Cum pot face mai ușor să rămân însărcinată? Descoperă 9 moduri
Cum pot face mai ușor să rămân însărcinată? Descoperă 9 moduri

There comes a moment in life when we decide to enlarge the family and we want it to happen as soon as possible. Sometimes, however, this time is longer – getting pregnant then requires effort and patience. Many women turn to their doctor for help, but there are also natural home remedies to increase your chances. Medicine confirms the strong connection between diet and fertility, which is why it is, among others, a properly balanced diet should become your main goal!

Both overweight and underweight can cause problems. Therefore, the menu of both future parents must not only be composed of valuable and little-processed products, but also varied. Good health is a key issue here – it will ensure the proper functioning of the reproductive organs. Here’s what works best for improving fertility:

  1. Lactate grase – studies dating back to 1989 have shown that eating one serving of a full-fat dairy product (including milk) reduces the risk of infertility by 22%. Lower-fat milk has an excess of male hormones that contribute to ovulation disorders in women. Eat one serving of dairy a day – e.g. a glass of full-fat milk, a pack of yogurt. Do not exaggerate with its amount and at the same time limit other caloric products such as sweets and sweet drinks.
  2. Vitamina E – its deficiency has fatal consequences for fertility. In men, it contributes to sperm degeneration, in women it even causes fetal death, miscarriages and general pregnancy disorders. Vitamin E is called the “fertility vitamin” for a reason. You will find it in sunflower oil and other vegetable oils, wheat germ, egg yolks, hazelnuts, spinach, lettuce and parsley.
  3. Acid folic – important both during pregnancy and at the stage of trying for a baby. Necessary for the proper functioning of the hematopoietic system, and its deficiency may reduce semen volume and sperm motility. To prevent this, include yeast, liver, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, legumes and citrus fruits in your diet.
  4. Fier de călcat – iron deficiency causes anemia, in women it causes fetal growth restriction. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the embryo and the egg cell. Its most absorbable version can be found in red meat, liver, fish and heart, but iron contained in vegetables, fruits and dietary supplements is the best protection against infertility.
  5. zinc – essential especially in the diet of the future father. It affects the proper functioning of the genitals, increases semen volume and testosterone levels. Present in eggs, pumpkin seeds, meat, milk, dairy products.

In addition to a proper diet, also take care of a healthy lifestyle. Limit caffeine, alcohol consumption (especially in the case of irregular menstruation, it is recommended to completely withdraw from it), in larger quantities it reduces testosterone levels. Also avoid simple carbohydrates that disrupt the functioning of hormones. Except that:

  • Fă sport regulat – women who practice sports a year before becoming pregnant are less likely to have anovulatory cycles.
  • Avoid lubricants – that is, chemical moisturizers that are harmful to semen.
  • Mențineți o greutate corporală sănătoasă – that is, eliminate overweight or underweight. Women with a normal weight have a 50% higher chance of getting pregnant.
  • Make love on fertile days – the greatest chance of fertilization occurs with intercourse within five days before or during ovulation.

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