Cum să închiriați un apartament pentru a nu plânge din cauza unei reparații moarte

Porunca 5

Enter into a lease agreement. Do not let the tenants in without signing an agreement with them, which spells out everything, down to the smallest detail. The lease agreement must contain the data of the passports of both parties, the lease term, the amount of the rent, the method and terms of payment. In addition, it is possible and necessary to enter the following conditions: the possibility of the animal living, the accommodation of the renters’ friends, the fine for late payment, the conditions of eviction.

When moving in new tenants, draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of property: what exactly is in the apartment, in what quantity, in what condition. This is so that your TV or refrigerator does not “accidentally” disappear. Draw up the documents in duplicate – one for each side.

By law, such contracts can be concluded for no more than 11 months.

Do not forget to renew it, this is not an empty formality, but the safety of your property.

Porunca 6

Take the board in advance. So that tenants are not tempted to leave the apartment without paying, let them pay immediately for the first and last month of their stay in your apartment. When the lease expires, you will return a monthly advance to them, but only if nothing of your property is damaged. If the tenants’ stay causes you any damage, you can compensate for it with a deposit.

Porunca 7

Write down the phone numbers. In addition to the passport data prescribed in the contract, be sure to find out the work and mobile phones of all residents. So you can quickly resolve emerging issues, make appointments, etc.

Porunca 8

Disable the figure eight. This is an elementary precaution so that your tenants do not bankrupt you on long distance or international calls. Better yet, just turn off your home phone altogether. Now there is practically no need for it.

Porunca 9

Keep everything under control. For the first couple of months, find out how the tenants live. If you have a good relationship with your neighbors, check with them if the tenants are bothering you. Check the condition of the apartment, having previously agreed with the tenants about your visit. If you are not satisfied with something, do not hesitate to say so. If required, amend the contract so that later there are no mutual claims.

Porunca 10

Pay your taxes. After the conclusion of the lease, you must send a copy of it to the tax office for calculating income tax. When submitting the declaration, attach documents confirming the income received during the year: a copy of the lease agreement with the amount of rent indicated in it. Add up all the income received for the year, 13 percent of this amount, and there will be tax, which you must pay by April 1 of the next year.

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