
A man is external, this is an action, this is behavior. A man, like a woman, has feelings and experiences, but this is either not important to him, or is perceived as some kind of extraneous circumstance.

It’s scary — don’t care, never mind. Or: “Yes, it hurts. But is it possible to bear it? Well, do what you have to do.»

A woman is an inner state, a feeling and an experience. Women pay a lot of attention to their feelings, they are important for them and are something serious that cannot be ignored, without which normal life and normal action are impossible.

Hello, Nikolai Ivanovich. I’m 17 years old. When I was 14, I noticed that grown men liked me. I understand why. I am a pretty girl, sociable, many friends like to communicate with me, consult with me, guys like me, in principle, many. But when a guy likes me, I am pleased, and when I see the interested look of a man (especially a teacher), it starts to scare me, it’s not clear for what reason, I understand that a decent man and without my consent will not “touch” me. so what am I afraid of? maybe yourself — no. I thought about it: I am balanced in this plan, I can restrain myself, I am not interested in men. And the fear sits. And I can’t deal with this feeling. I don’t even know what is the right question to ask you. what should I do with this feeling, and what could be the reason for this fear.

Men do not understand such talk about feelings. Well, the girl is afraid, but why pay attention to this and think about it at all, if there is nothing behaviorally dangerous in this: the girl is sure that men will not touch her, and she herself is quite balanced and will not do anything stupid.

For women, self-love is usually natural, coming from the heart, joyful care for yourself, for your body. When a woman takes care of everything that she has, feels and appreciates the best that is in her, takes care of herself with joy, and lives with inner light, then we can say about such a woman that she loves herself. Love for a woman is a feeling, her love is a warm attitude, and at the center of her love is a feeling of comfort.

Men have a different understanding of self-love. Men talk about love less often, but if you can once say that this man loves himself, then responsible actions, his actions will always stand behind this in a man’s life. He will wash himself, educate, play sports, work with his character, that is, for a man, self-love is action. What to do with yourself to be cheerful, smart and healthy all your life. Love for a man is action, his love is demanding, and the focus of his attention is his strength and capabilities.

Self-improvement in the life of a man and a woman

Self-improvement, work on oneself in the life of a man and a woman have their own characteristics.

In training, men are interested in how to achieve the desired behavior. If a man talks about the problem of insecurity, he is not talking about feeling insecure, about his desire to learn to BEhave confidently.

At trainings, women are interested in how to catch the right feeling and feelings, and what to do — she cares less, this will be some kind of natural consequence of her new state. See →

Instructions and attitude

Men follow external instructions, women follow internal attitudes.

Processors and results

Process workers are interested in the process as an internal experience of the current process, results workers are interested in what will happen in the end, what will be the external result and the dry residue. Women are more often process workers, men are result workers. See →

Video de la Yana Shchastya: interviu cu profesorul de psihologie NI Kozlov

Subiecte de conversație: Ce fel de femeie trebuie să fii pentru a te căsători cu succes? De câte ori se căsătoresc bărbații? De ce sunt atât de puțini bărbați normali? Fără copii. Părinte. Ce este dragostea? O poveste care nu putea fi mai bună. Plătind pentru oportunitatea de a fi aproape de o femeie frumoasă.

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