Meniuri de petrecere pentru gravide

Listen to your nutritionist

If you are celebrating Christmas and / or the New Year outside, try to respect these few principles recommended by a nutritionist… But don’t let yourself be hammered in: a slightly less balanced meal can be “caught up” in the following ones.

Festive meal: the basic recommendations

Toxoplasmosis is transmitted primarily through food infected with a parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. To avoid contamination: raw vegetables must be properly washed, meat and fish must be well cooked. Charcuterie is prohibited. During pregnancy, calcium needs are increased, cheese is therefore not excluded. But, to protect yourself against listeriosis, you have to choose cooked cheeses. If no dairy product appears on the menu, consider compensating for other meals or snacks with dairy products (yogurt or cottage cheese, for example). For iron intake, you can eat red meat at the other meal of the day.

No alcohol, even at Christmas!

During the holidays the temptation to have a glass of champagne is great. Don’t give in. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is not trivial and can pose significant risks to the baby. Even in small proportions or occasionally, a small drink can cause complications during pregnancy. Go for a cocktail without alcohol much better for your health. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

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