Generator de fraze din fragmente date

Recently, a friend of mine approached me with a request to help with the generation of all possible phrases consisting of a set of given words. Problems of this kind can arise when compiling lists of keywords and phrases for online advertising and SEO promotion, when you need to go through all the possible permutations of words in a search query:

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

In mathematics, this operation is called Cartesian product. The official definition is as follows: the Cartesian product of sets A and B is the set of all pairs, the first component of which belongs to set A, and the second component belongs to set B. Moreover, the elements of sets can be both numbers and text.

Translated into human language, this means that if in set A we have, for example, the words “white” and “red”, and in set B “BMW” and “Mercedes”, then after the Cartesian product of these two sets we get on the output is the set of all possible variants of phrases, made up of the words of both lists:

  • white bmw
  • red bmw
  • white Mercedes
  • red mercedes

… i.e. just what we need. Let’s look at a couple of ways to solve this task in Excel.

Metoda 1. Formule

Let’s start with formulas. Let’s assume that as initial data we have three lists of original words in columns A, B and C, respectively, and the number of elements in each list can vary:

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

First, let’s make three columns with indices, i.e. ordinal numbers of words from each list in all possible combinations. The first row of units (E2:G2) will be entered manually, and for the rest we will use the following formula:

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

The logic here is simple: if the index in the superior previous cell has already reached the end of the list, i.e. is equal to the number of elements in the list calculated by the function COUNT (COUNTA), then we restart the numbering. Otherwise, we increase the index by 1. Pay special attention to the clever fixing of the ranges with dollar signs ($) so that you can copy the formula down and to the right.

Now that we have the ordinal numbers of the words we need from each list, we can extract the words themselves using the function INDEX (INDEX) into three separate columns:

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

If you have not come across this function in your work before, then I strongly advise you to study it at least diagonally – it helps out in many situations and is useful no less (and even more!) VPR (CĂUTARE V).

Well, after that, it remains only to glue the resulting fragments line by line using the concatenation symbol (&):

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

… or (if you have the latest version of Excel) with the handy function COMBINA (TEXTJOIN), which can glue the entire contents of the specified cells through a given separator character (space):

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

Method 2. Through Power Query

Power Query is a powerful add-in for Microsoft Excel that performs two main tasks: 1. loading data into Excel from almost any external source, and 2. all kinds of transformations of loaded tables. Power Query is already built into Excel 2016-2019, and for Excel 2010-2013 it is installed as a separate add-in (you can download it from the official Microsoft website for free). If you have not yet started using Power Query in your work, then it’s time to think about it, because transformations like the ones described above are done there easily and naturally, in just a couple of movements.

First, let’s load the source lists as separate queries in Power Query. To do this, for each table, perform the following steps:

  1. Let’s turn tables into “smart” ones with a button Formatați ca tabel fila Acasă (Acasă — Format ca tabel) sau scurtătură de la tastatură Ctrl+T. Each table will automatically be given a name Table1,2,3…, which, however, can be changed if desired on the tab Constructor (Proiecta).
  2. Having set the active cell in the table, press the button De la masă (Din tabel) fila Date (Data) sau pe filă Interogare de alimentare (if you have it installed as a separate add-in for Excel 2010-2013).
  3. In the query editor window that opens, select the command Acasă — Închideți și încărcați — Închideți și încărcați în... (Acasă — Închide&Încărcare — Închide&Încărcare la..) si apoi optiunea Doar creați o conexiune (Creează numai conexiune). This will leave the loaded table in memory and allow it to be accessed in the future.

If you do everything correctly, then the output in the right panel should be three requests in the mode Numai conexiune with our table names:

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

Now right-click on the first query and select the command Link (Referinţă)to make an updatable copy of it, and then add an additional column to the data via the command Adding a column ž – Custom column (Add Column -ž Custom Column). In the formula input window, enter the name of the new column (for example, Fragment2) and an extremely simple expression as a formula:


… i.e., in other words, the name of the second query:

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

După ce faceți clic pe OK we will see a new column, in each cell of which there will be a nested table with phrases from the second table (you can see the contents of these tables if you click in the background of the cell next to the word Tabel):

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

It remains to expand all the contents of these nested tables using the button with double arrows in the header of the resulting column and unchecking Folosiți numele coloanei originale ca prefix (Folosiți numele coloanei originale ca prefix):

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

… and we get all possible combinations of elements from the first two sets:

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

Further, everything is similar. Add another calculated column with the formula:


…, and then expand the nested tables again – and now we already have all the possible options for permuting words from the three sets, respectively:

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

It remains to select all three columns from left to right, holding Ctrl, and concatenate their contents separated by spaces using the command Îmbinați coloanele (Merge Columns) din filă Transformare (Transforma):

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

The resulting results can be unloaded back onto the sheet with the already familiar command Acasă — Închideți și încărcați — Închideți și încărcați în... (Acasă — Închide&Încărcare — Închide&Încărcare la..):

Generator de fraze din fragmente date

If in the future something changes in our source tables with fragments, then it will be enough just to update the generated query by right-clicking on the resulting table and choosing the command Actualizați și salvați (Reîmprospăta) sau prin apăsarea comenzii rapide de la tastatură Ctrl+Alt+F5.

  • What is Power Query, Power Pivot, Power Map and Power BI and why do they need an Excel user
  • Creating a Gantt Chart in Power Query
  • 5 moduri de a utiliza funcția INDEX

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