Prevenirea cancerului de prostată

Prevenirea cancerului de prostată

Măsuri preventive de bază

Consult our Cancer file to know the main Recomandări on prevenirea cancerului folosind obiceiuri de viață :

– eat enough fruits and vegetables;

– have a balanced intake of grăsime;

– avoid excess de calorii;

– to be active;

– no smoking;

- etc.

See also the Complementary Approaches section (below).


Măsuri de detectare precoce

La Societatea canadiană a cancerului invites men over the age of 50 to talk to their doctor about their risk of developing prostate cancer and the appropriateness of screening-ul11.

Doi teste can be used by doctors to try to detecta precoce prostate cancer in men who have not niciun simptom :

- Atingere rectală;

- testul antigenului specific prostatic (APS).

However, their use is controversial and medical authorities do not recommend early detection in men without symptoms.10, 38. It is not certain that it improves the chances of survival and lengthens the lifespan. It could therefore be that, for the majority of men, Riscurile (concerns, pain and possible sequelae in the event of a thorough evaluation using a biopsy) outweigh the benefits of screening-ul.


Alte măsuri pentru prevenirea apariției bolii

  • Suplimente de vitamina D.. In light of the results of various studies, the Canadian Cancer Society has recommended that Canadians, since 2007, take a supplement of 25 µg (1 IU) per day vitamin D in fall and winter40. Such vitamin D intake would reduce the risk of prostate cancer and other cancers. The organization suggests that people with Riscurile higher levels of vitamin D deficiency – which includes older people, people with dark skin pigmentation, and people who rarely expose themselves to the sun – do the same all year round.

    Observație. Several experts believe that the position of the Canadian Cancer Society remains too conservative in relation to the scientific evidence. Instead, they recommend a daily dosage of 2 UI până la 000 UI of vitamin D3. In summer, the dose could be reduced, provided you expose yourself to the sun regularly (without sunscreen, but without getting sunburned).

  • Finasteride (for high risk of prostate cancer). Finasteride (Propecia®, Proscar®), a drug first indicated to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia and baldness, may also help prevent prostate cancer. This 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, a e, blocks the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, the active form of the hormone inside the prostate.

    During a large study9, the researchers had noted an association between taking finasteride and a slightly more frequent detection of a severe form of prostate cancer. The hypothesis that finasteride increases the risk of serious prostate cancer has since been refuted. It is now known that the detection of this form of cancer was facilitated by the fact that the size of the prostate had decreased. A smaller prostate helps detect tumors.

  • Le dutasteridă (Avodart®), a medicine which belongs to the same class as finasteride, is said to have a preventive effect similar to that of finasteride. This is what the results of a study published in 2010 indicate12.

    Important. Make sure that the doctor who interprets the prostate-specific antigen blood test (APS ou PSA) is aware of treatment with finasteride, which lowers PSA levels.



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