Prevenirea tinitusului

Prevenirea tinitusului

Măsuri preventive de bază

Watch out for noise. Avoid exposing yourself unnecessarily and too often to very high or even moderately high sound volumes. If necessary, use Earplugs®, ear protectors or foam earplugs, whether at work, on an airplane, during a rock concert, using noisy tools, etc.

Watch out for certain medications. Avoid prolonged use of high doses of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin®, for example) and ibuprofen (Advil®, etc.). See above for the partial list of drugs potentially toxic to the ears (ototoxic). If in doubt, check with your pharmacist or doctor.


Măsuri de prevenire a agravării

Avoid very noisy places.

Determine the aggravating factors. THEalcool cafeină or tutun some people have more tinnitus. Very sweet foods or drinks containing low amounts of chinină (Canada Dry®, Quinquina®, Brio®, Schweppes®, etc.) may have this effect on other individuals. These aggravating factors vary from person to person.

Reduce and manage stress. Practicing relaxation, meditation, yoga, physical activity, etc., can reduce stress and anxiety, which are both consequences and aggravating elements of tinnitus.

Avoid absolute silence in case of hyperacusis. When suffering from this intolerance to loud noises, it is best not to seek silence at all costs or to wear earplugs, as this can make the hearing system even more sensitive, thus lowering the threshold of discomfort. .


Măsuri de prevenire a complicațiilor

Undergo regular medical monitoring in the event of severe tinnitus. When tinnitus is strong and constant, it can become intolerable and lead to depression. It is therefore important to consult a doctor for adequate management.


Tinnitus prevention: understand everything in 2 minutes

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