Psychotherapy for couples – in what situations is it advisable, what is it and how long does it last?

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Marriage therapy, or psychotherapy for couples, is a solution not only for people connected by the marriage certificate. Couples in informal relationships can also benefit from the therapist’s help. There can be many sources of problems, and thanks to the psychotherapy of couples it is possible not only to find out the causes of conflicts, but also to restore balance in the relationship. What is worth knowing about the benefits and course of therapy for couples?

Relationship problems and couple psychotherapy

In any relationship, problems sometimes arise and there may be difficulties in getting along with each other. Differences of views, mutual misunderstanding, inability to express one’s needs, frustration. All these factors are responsible for the disagreement in the relationship. Sometimes the reason for the uprising criza in relatie there are betrayals, addictions or even violence by one or both sides of the relationship. Can the relationship with such serious problems be saved?

Many people do not have a model of relationships, observed from an early age, derived from their family home, which they could follow in building their own relationship. In Poland, according to statistical data from 2012, there was one divorce for three weddings. Many dilemmas that arise in relationships, therefore, stem from unconscious internal conflicts whose roots go back to childhood.

However, difficulties in resolving conflicts or accumulating problems do not always have to lead to the end of the relationship. A fresh look at the problems of couples, which are complex issues, will be possible thanks to the psychotherapy of couples. If both parties show good will and a willingness to work on themselves and on the relationship, psychotherapist’s help it can bring you many benefits.

When to go to Couples Therapy?

Each couple goes through crises, there are diseases, job losses, moments of weakness and doubts, but if two people love each other and care for each other, they can try to find help for their relationship with an experienced therapist. It is better not to wait until the last moment with such a decision. Repairing the relationship between partners is easier at the stage when both parties want to repair, and long suppressed resentments will not creep in between them.

Couple psychotherapy can be beneficial when working on specific problems, but it will also contribute to the overall shape of the relationship.

It is worth reacting as early as possible as soon as symptoms of indifference, a feeling of unfulfilled expectations or unjustified complaints appear. Cooling off relationships aren’t the only worrying signs. Sometimes it is much harder to notice that the relationship is not a partnership and one of the parties is dependent on the other. This may be associated with manipulation, a lack of autonomy, or psychological abuse. In such situations, the injured party may blame themselves and may not perceive that the problem is deeper. Psychotherapy is a way to visualize your problems as well as save a relationship or end one that is non-toxic.

In today’s world, using therapy is an increasingly affordable option. It is influenced by the growing awareness that psychotherapy is nothing embarrassing, but a form of self-development and help in solving problems that can affect everyone. Increase psychological self-awareness it is therefore a positive trend that opens up more opportunities for us to act and fight for a relationship. The notion of marital therapy or couples therapy may be worrying, but it is not intended to accuse anyone or blame one of the parties for their joint failures. The therapy will allow you to stop for a moment and look at existing problems together.

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What is marriage therapy?

Marriage therapy is designed to make both sides of the relationship aware of the reasons for the conflict, to encourage reflection and discussion. Many people unconsciously or not entirely consciously transfer certain patterns or experiences from their family home or previous relationships into their relationship and how they deal with problems.

Merită știut

Psychotherapy for couples can take the form of psychodynamic therapy.

Marriage therapy helps partners to work out a specific problem with the help of a therapist, to open up and look for a solution within themselves, even if that solution is the final decision to break up. Sometimes two people are unable to function as partners in everyday life, and their relationship sooner or later manifests any symptoms of a toxic relationship. Sometimes it is couples therapy that can provide the right impetus to bring this imbalance to light. Often it is the person who is abused by the other party in this toxic relationship who must realize that restoring balance is possible only with the cooperation and willingness of both partners.

  1. Check also: Psychodynamic psychotherapy – what is it, when it is used and what are its effects

How long is couples therapy?

Therapy for couples usually lasts from 6 to 12 months. Meetings with the therapist are held once a week, which allows for the optimal implementation time of the solutions developed during the therapeutic session and their subsequent verification and analysis of the results with the therapist. A few months of working on a long-term relationship is a small amount of time, which in many cases is worth using to gain more awareness of how to function in a relationship. Self-development, discovering your own problems and how they translate into a relationship can prove to be crucial in order to avoid deepening conflicts and breakups.

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