Risk factors and prevention of Hodgkin’s disease

Factorii de risc și prevenirea bolii Hodgkin

Factorii de risc

  • Istorie de familie. Having a sibling who has suffered from the disease increases the risk. It is not currently known if genetic factors come into play or if the fact of having grown up in a similar environment is involved;
  • sex. Slightly more men than women suffer from Hodgkin’s disease;
  • Infecție cu virus d'Epstein-Barr (infectious mononucleosis). People who have contracted the virus in the past are said to have a higher risk of developing the disease;
  • Immune failure. Patients with HIV or who have had a transplant and are taking anti-rejection drugs appear to be at higher risk than average.


Nu știm până în prezent fara actiune preventing Hodgkin’s disease.

Risk factors and prevention of Hodgkin’s disease: understand it all in 2 min

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