Simptome și persoane cu risc de insomnie (tulburări de somn)

Simptome și persoane cu risc de insomnie (tulburări de somn)

Simptomele bolii

  • Dificultăți de adormire.
  • Intermittent awakenings during the night.
  • A premature awakening.
  • Fatigue upon waking up.
  • Fatigue, irritability and difficulty concentrating during the day.
  • A decrease in alertness or performance.
  • An anxious anticipation of the arrival of night.

Persoanele în pericol

  •  femei would be more prone to suffer from insomnia than men, among other things because of certain hormonal changes before menstruation (see our sheet Premenstrual Syndrome), and during the years before and after menopause.
  • Bătrânii din 50 și versiuni ulterioare.

Symptoms and people at risk of insomnia (sleep disorders): understand everything in 2 min

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