Deținătorul recordului a născut în total 69 de copii

Cea mai fertilă femeie din istorie a născut 69 de copii. Acest lucru s-a întâmplat în țara noastră în secolul al XNUMX-lea. Interesant este că toate sarcinile ei au fost multiple.

  1. The fertility rate in Poland in 2020 was 1,378. This means that out of 1000 women of childbearing age, 1378 children were born
  2. There are fewer and fewer large families in our country. Marriages with one child dominate. Four or more children in a family are only a few percent.
  3. The “achievement” of a woman from the eighteenth century is all the more impressive. The number of her children could outweigh dozens of contemporary Polish marriages
  4. Mai multe informații pot fi găsite pe pagina de pornire Onet

The most prolific woman. She gave birth to 69 children

The record holder in terms of children born is Fedorova Vasilyeva, a woman who lived in the XNUMXth century in Shui, a city east of Moscow. Her name was unknown, therefore she was named after her husband, Fedor Vasilyev.

In the years 1725–1765, she gave birth to 69 live children. Of these, only two died in infancy. Interestingly, each of her pregnancies was multiple. She gave birth to twins 16 times, seven triplets and four quadruplets. In total, she was pregnant 27 times. She gave birth to her last children when she was over 50. The names of the children, gender, date of birth or death are not known.

Vasilyeva’s achievement went to the “Guinness Book of Records”

The first information about the numerous children of the Vasilyevs appeared in the 1783 issue of The Gentleman’s Magazine. There you can read about a 75-year-old peasant living in good health, whose first wife gave birth to 69 children. «The information, however astonishing as it may be, is credible because it comes from an English merchant in St. Petersburg. The merchant also informed that the peasant was to be presented to the empress »- we read.

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Information about 69 children also appeared in other publications from the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries, but articles from the twentieth century spoke about treating them “with caution”. The French Academy of Sciences unsuccessfully tried to verify information about the children of the Vasilievs.

Exceptional fertility. He had 87 children

Fyodor Vasilyev remarried after the death of his first wife. He continued to show remarkable fertility. He had 18 children with his second wife. As in the case of Fedorov, they were also only multiple – twins were born six times, triplets twice.

  1. Zece păcate împotriva fertilității

In total, Vasilyev had 87 children (three of them died – according to information from 1783), they were the fruit of 35 births.

The largest family in Poland

In Poland, the most children were brought into the world by Grażyna and Jan Karczewski, who live in Masuria, in the Grodziczno commune. There were 11 boys and 10 girls.

  1. De unde provin gemenii și tripleții?

Między najstarszym Sebastianem a najmłodszym Mikołajem jest 24 lat różnicy.

De asemenea, se va citi:

  1. Ewa Chodakowska: Situația este dramatică. Copiii polonezi se îngrașă cel mai repede din Europa
  2. Ar trebui copiii să se întoarcă la școală? Medicul contagios face apel la părinți
  3. Nașterea umană în Polonia? Medicul ginecolog spune de ce este atât de rar posibil
  4. Poți zbura cu avionul când ești însărcinată? [EXPLICAM]

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