
Psychology is a rational science: it helps to put things in order “in the palaces of the mind”, tweak the “settings” in the head and live happily ever after. However, it also has facets that still seem mysterious to us. One of them is trans. What kind of state is this and how does it allow you to throw a “bridge” between two worlds: consciousness and the unconscious?

The psyche can be divided into two large layers: consciousness and the unconscious. It is believed that the unconscious has all the necessary tools for changing personality and access to our resources. Consciousness, on the other hand, acts as a logical constructor that allows you to interact with the outside world and find an explanation for everything that happens.

How do these layers communicate with each other? The «bridge» between consciousness and the unconscious is a state of trance. We experience this state many times a day: when we start to wake up or fall asleep, when we focus on a certain thought, action or object, or when we are completely relaxed.

Trance, no matter how deep it is, is useful for the psyche: it allows the incoming information to be better absorbed. But this is far from his only «superpower».

Trance is an altered state of consciousness. When we enter into it, consciousness ceases to be content with only logic and easily allows for an illogical development of events. The unconscious does not divide information at all into bad and good, logical and irrational. At the same time, it is it that starts the execution of the commands it receives. So, at the moment of trance, you can most effectively set a command for the unconscious.

Going to a consultation with a psychotherapist, we, as a rule, have confidence in him. It, in turn, allows the conscious mind to lose control and bridge the gap into the unconscious. Through this bridge, we receive specialist commands that start the processes of improving health and harmonizing the personality.

Myths about hypnosis

Psychotherapists who practice hypnotherapy allow you to dive into the very depths of a trance — into a state of hypnosis. Many believe that in this state we are able to accept any command, including one that will harm us greatly. This is nothing more than a myth.

The state of hypnosis in itself is useful, because it allows you to harmonize our personality and the work of the whole organism.

The unconscious works for our good. All commands with which we do not have internal agreement, it will reject and immediately bring us out of the trance. In the words of psychiatrist Milton Erickson, «Deep as the hypnosis is, any attempt to induce the hypnotic to act inconsistently with his personal attitudes leads to the fact that this attempt is resolutely rejected.»

At the same time, the state of hypnosis in itself is useful, since it allows us to harmonize our personality and the work of the whole organism.

Another misconception is that people are divided into hypnotic and non-hypnotizable. However, the key point in the process of immersion in a trance is trust in a specialist. If the company of this person for some reason causes discomfort, then consciousness simply will not let you relax. Therefore, one should not be afraid of a deep trance.


An altered state of consciousness is natural and common: we experience it dozens of times a day. In addition to the fact that it automatically starts processes useful for the psyche and body, you can “add” some commands yourself.

The best depth of natural trance is achieved when we begin to fall asleep or wake up. At these moments, you can ask the unconscious to make the upcoming day successful or start a deep healing of the body.

Use your inner resources more effectively and get ready to change your life.

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