Care sunt modalitățile eficiente de a mesteca în timpul sarcinii?

În conformitate cu misiunea sa, Consiliul editorial al MedTvoiLokony depune toate eforturile pentru a oferi conținut medical de încredere, susținut de cele mai recente cunoștințe științifice. Indicatorul suplimentar „Conținut verificat” indică faptul că articolul a fost revizuit sau scris direct de un medic. Această verificare în doi pași: un jurnalist medical și un medic ne permit să oferim conținut de cea mai înaltă calitate, în conformitate cu cunoștințele medicale actuale.

Angajamentul nostru în acest domeniu a fost apreciat, printre altele, de către Asociația Jurnaliştilor pentru Sănătate, care a acordat Colegiului Editorial al MedTvoiLokony titlul onorific de Mare Educator.

Are there any effective ways to chew during pregnancy? What methods are safe for a child to try? Is there any safe ointment or cream that is approved for use by pregnant women? Should a doctor be consulted? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

How can you get rid of cheilitis during pregnancy?

Hello. I am in the third month of pregnancy, this is my first pregnancy. Recently, a chew appeared in the corners of my mouth. It is quite annoying, at first I thought that it would pass by itself, but another day has passed and the ailment does not subside. I am afraid to take anything because of my pregnancy – I would not like to take medication if it is not absolutely necessary. I wanted to consult a gynecologist, but there is still some time left until the visit and I still have a problem with this bite.

I would like to ask how effective they are ways to chew during pregnancy? Is there any safe ointment or cream that I can apply without risking something bad to my baby? Or maybe there are some home remedies for pregnant womenthat will allow me to safely fight my ailment? In such a situation, is it necessary to see a doctor or can I wait? Finally, I would like to know if there is a risk that the chewing will somehow negatively affect the child’s development? After all, these are some bacteria that can probably harm you too.

The doctor explains how to get pregnant

The lesions are professionally called inflammation of the corners of the mouth and are manifested by redness with the formation of erosions, small cracks and local peeling of the skin around the corner. It may be caused by contact eczema due to irritating substances applied in this area, dry, cracked red lip, bacterial or fungal proliferation. People at particular risk are patients suffering from celiac disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, e.g. ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, patients with vitamin B2 and iron deficiency, and atopic dermatitis.

În caz de sarcină local treatment of seizures should not affect the fetus, but it is worth reading the leaflet regarding the safety of the product in pregnancy before using the ointment. You can use a cream or lip ointment to prevent the red of the lips from drying out, apply antiseptics to the area of ​​lesions to disinfect them, and continue taking dietary supplements, such as those recommended during pregnancy. The tears should pass after a few days without treatment, but if they persist for a long time, it is worth visiting a dermatologist, he may order an antibacterial or antifungal ointment, safe for use during pregnancy, to lubricate the corners of the mouth with erosions.

Remember to supplement some vitamins: 400mcg of folic acid (start as early as 12 weeks before pregnancy!), Vitamin D, especially in the period from September to March. DO NOT take vitamin A supplements, high-dose multivitamin supplements, or fish liver oils (fish oil). Supplements that should be taken during pregnancy include iodine, iron, folic acid, DHA, vitamin D3 and choline. Due to the fact that the seizures are more common in people with iron deficiency, which may also be associated with anemia, a morphology should be performed, if it has not been performed recently.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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