Ce mănânc pentru a-mi crește fertilitatea

Everything we eat affects the quality of our gametes (eggs and spermatozoa) ”, comments Maëla Le Borgne, Dietitian-nutritionist. “While many obstacles can be at the origin of infertility, taking care of the contents of your plate helps to promote fertilization and put more chances on your side,” she continues. Six months before the start of a pregnancy, parents (not just the mother!) Must revise their meals.

Magnesium, iron, iodine… galore!

“A good diet at the time of the genesis of the gametes helps to avoid“ DNA errors ”which predispose to diseases in adulthood. By caring for this DNA, we can positively influence the health of unborn children. It’s epigenetics ”, develops the nutritionist. Foods rich in: magnesium, vitamin B9, omega 3, selenium, vitamin C, iron and iodine are therefore invited to the menus of future parents. “For example, at noon and in the evening, you can eat a plate of green leafy vegetables (spinach, sorrel, watercress, lamb’s lettuce) and pulses (chickpeas, lentils, beans) at least three times a week”, advises the dietician. Small fatty fish such as mackerel, sardines or herring are eaten at the table at the same tempo as pulses. What about the eggs? “To be enjoyed every morning for breakfast! », Adds Mr. Le Borgne. “No more cooked meals; poor in minerals and nutrients, and refined cereals (white rice, white pasta, white bread), ”adds the expert. “Focus on foods rich in iodine (fish and shellfish) that ensure optimal thyroid function. This guarantees the good growth of the future baby and the maturation of his nervous system. “



Parsley, thyme, mint… have in common their richness in minerals (calcium, zinc, potassium…), antioxidants (vitamin C) and vitamin B9 (folic acid). Eat them fresh to take advantage of their nutrients. And on your salads, dishes of pulses, steamed fish, add a generous handful of chopped herbs.


Go fishing! Mackerel, sardines, herrings… Anything goes for fatty fish (which we eat once or twice a week). On the menu: iron, essential fatty acids such as omega 3, vitamin B and iodine. They’re all good on the fertility journey! But beware of tuna, a fish at the end of the food chain, which contains heavy metals in large quantities and not recommended.


These large nuts are well supplied with selenium. It is a super antioxidant. It protects the immune system and helps the functioning of the thyroid gland. You can bite into up to 3 nuts a day to cover all of your needs. As a bonus, this gourmet fruit is a mine of magnesium.


Buy it virgin first cold pressed, preferably in an organic store. It will be of better quality. And keep it in the refrigerator after opening, because the omega 3 in this vegetable oil are sensitive to light and heat. Their strengths? By thinning the membranes, they promote exchanges between spermatozoa and oocytes.  


The best time to taste it is at breakfast. This superfood is a source of proteins well assimilated by the body and a reservoir of vitamins D, B12, iron and choline, so important for cognitive functions. When the yolk is tasted liquid, it brings an amino acid involved in the relaxation processes. Of course, we choose quality eggs, from hens raised in the open air and as fresh as possible.


Lentils, beans and other peas are an integral part of our diet. So much the better, since these legumes bring an extra quantity of vegetable proteins to our plate, but are also rich in micro-nutrients, essential for the organism: magnesium, iron, vitamins of group B, antioxidants. Their high fiber content contributes to good transit.


They are sources of vitamin B9, magnesium, potassium and iron. This is the case, in particular, of spinach, cabbage, sorrel, watercress or lettuce. Eaten cooked or raw, these green vegetables are rich in anti-oxidant vitamins. Eat them very fresh, they will not keep for more than two days in the bottom of the refrigerator.

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