De ce este categoric imposibil să sari peste micul dejun

Nutritionists insist that the calories eaten at breakfast will definitely be used up and will not settle on your figure by extra centimeters. Of course, this is provided that after the first meal you do not lie on the couch, but spend the day with benefit. Why is it so important not to skip breakfast?

Reason 1. Wake up

At breakfast, along with a meal, our body wakes up, the processes of the internal organs are triggered, hormones begin to be produced, strength and energy are added.

Reason 2. Concentrate


The brain is also involved in work, it becomes easier to concentrate, clarity of mind sets in and a desire to work fruitfully appears. It is easier to get to work while driving, vision becomes clearer, movements are more coordinated, and gait is more confident.

Reason 3. Boost your mood

Many people use a leisurely breakfast to gather their thoughts, make plans for the day ahead – this is soothing and instills confidence. Delicious favorite food will wake up the receptors, improve your mood.

Reason 4. Don’t get better

The calories taken for breakfast will be used up throughout the day, so you can indulge in some forbidden sweets, for example. In the first half of the day, a person’s metabolism is much faster, and by the evening it slows down.

Reason 5. Improve memory

This is especially important for those who receive new knowledge – schoolchildren and students. A full breakfast helps improve memory, not short-term, but long-term. The knowledge gained is more likely to stay in the head of a well-fed person.

Reason 6. Boost immunity

A proper breakfast has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, which means that all kinds of microorganisms inside us will be able to resist viruses and bacteria. People who prefer a hearty breakfast have a stronger immune system.

Reason 7. Prolong youth

A rich, balanced breakfast tones the skin and helps it fight the signs of wilting, fatigue, supplying it with fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals.

Reason 8. Protect yourself from stress

The energy received at breakfast increases resistance to stress, vigor and self-confidence appear, which is important when obstacles are encountered on the way that can knock the soil out from under your feet.

Reason 9. Strengthen the heart

Breakfast lowers blood cholesterol and prevents blood clots. At one time you may not notice the effect, but systematic breakfasts reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Reason 10. Prevent gallstone disease

Breakfast builds a competent food chain throughout the day, sets the rhythm of the intake of calories – fuel for the body. Bile does not stagnate, sand and stones do not have time to form, so it is so important to set the tone in the morning!

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