5 fatty foods to help you lose fat

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Like all oils, it is, of course, high in calories, but it is absorbed by the body one hundred percent. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids – oleic, linoleic and linolenic – which stimulate metabolism, thereby helping to get rid of all the excess. Including – and from harmful toxins and toxins. It also contains many beauty vitamins A and E and antioxidants that slow down the aging process. It is only important not to overdo it: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil a day will be enough.


Scientists have long traced the link between nut consumption and weight loss. Of course, if you know when to stop: you should consume no more than 30 g of nuts per day, three to four times a week. They are indispensable as a quick snack: just a few nuts will quickly “freeze the worm” without adding a lot of calories. They also contain substances that promote the production of serotonin. This hormone makes us happy and at the same time reduces hunger. Indeed, very often we simply seize depression.



Not any, but only dark and bitter. And you need to eat it not after eating, but two hours before. In this case, studies have shown that a person will receive 17% fewer calories during lunch or dinner. Scientists believe that this is because it is dark chocolate, unlike its milk counterpart, contains pure cocoa butter – a source of stearic acid, which slows down the digestion process. In other words, we spend more effort and time digesting 100 g of dark chocolate than digesting the same bar of sweet milk. And we are full longer, and we lose more calories. And we are losing weight faster.


Lovers of cheese, especially hard varieties, have a consistently high content of butyric acid in their bodies. This low molecular weight acid is synthesized in our intestines and is very important for its health: it protects against free radicals, supports its microflora, and normalizes digestion. Cheese is great for controlling appetite. The fats contained in it instantly lower blood sugar levels and relieve the urge to fill up. Not to mention the fact that cheese contains a lot of vitamins A, B group, calcium and probiotics, which are important for general immunity.


If you want to lose weight, include fatty fish in your diet three times a week. And that’s why. The fatter the fish, the more vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids it contains. Namely, these two substances help us not only to get rid of excess weight, but also from many other health problems. It is noted that obese people in their bodies almost always lack vitamin D. It is produced in the skin under the influence of the sun, which is scarce in our latitudes, or comes from outside. But little from where: fish is one of the few sources of it. For example, 100 g of fatty salmon contains the daily dose of this vitamin. And omega-3 acids help the immune and metabolic systems to be in balance: if they do not work well, this always affects the weight – the arrow on the scale begins to creep up. 

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