5 legi principale ale creșterii personale

Paying attention to personal growth, you can not only become the best version of yourself, but also strengthen your psychological state. How to overcome inner fears of change and unlock your true potential?

Personal development has its own laws. Focusing on them, we will be able not only to improve our professional skills, but also to make our life more comfortable and interesting.

Law One: Growth is a process

We humans need constant development. The world is moving forward, and if you do not keep up with it, you will inevitably slow down or, worse, degrade. This should not be allowed, because otherwise you may find yourself on the career and intellectual sidelines.

It is not enough to get a diploma once and consider yourself an expert in your field: if you do not improve your skills, they will lose their relevance, and knowledge will become obsolete sooner or later. It is important to monitor the market and determine in time what skills are in demand today.

Law two: development must be purposeful

A person spends a significant part of his life at work, so it is worthwhile to approach the choice of a field of activity wisely. It is always important to remember that by developing in the right direction, you change yourself only for the better. Hence the second law of personal progress — you need to grow purposefully: learn not spontaneously and abstractly, but choose a specific niche.

By identifying the top 5 applied areas for yourself, you will protect yourself from wasting time and effort on acquiring knowledge that is irrelevant to you. Focus determines the result: what you focus on is what you get in the end. It is important not to spread and wander from medieval painting to game theory. Diverse lectures, of course, will expand your horizons and even be able to make you an interesting conversationalist at a social event, but they are unlikely to help you move up the career ladder.

Law Three: Environment plays a huge role

The people who surround you affect your level of development and even your financial condition. Do a simple exercise: add up the incomes of five of your friends and divide the resulting number by five. The amount you receive will roughly match your salary.

If you want to change, move forward and succeed, then you should carefully analyze your social circle. Surround yourself with people who are related to your area of ​​growth. For example, for those who aspire to be successful in the field of marketing, it makes sense to get close to the experts who revolve in the industry.

If you want to increase your income, try to contact wealthy people. And not necessarily directly: watch videos with their participation on Youtube, read their books. Hear what billionaires have to say or read their biographies. To understand the format of thinking of famous personalities, today you don’t need to guard them like paparazzi: the information that is in the public domain is quite enough.

Law Four: Move from theory to practice

They don’t grow on theory alone: ​​they grow in practice. You must make practice your best friend. Even the highest quality training will remain useless without a reality check. You should not only receive useful knowledge, but also use it in life!

Don’t be afraid to go beyond textbooks and discussions with your classmates. The sooner you learn how to use your smart tools in real-life conditions, the more success you will achieve.

Law Five: Growth Must Be Systemic

You need to grow constantly, systematically and systematically. Make self-improvement a habit and track the results. For example, set yourself the goal of increasing your income every year. If five years ago you traveled by tram, and now you have switched to a personal car, then the movement is going in the right direction.

If the situation is reversed, and you moved from a three-room apartment in the center to a one-room apartment on the outskirts, it is worth working on the mistakes. The main thing is a firm intention to change, to develop oneself. What is important is systematic, albeit small at first, victories and clear steps forward. As Steve Jobs once said, “All the greatest people started small.”

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