Sforăitul este o problemă enervantă și jenantă. Cum să prevenim această boală? Descoperă 9 moduri de a combate sforăitul.
Sforăitul este o problemă enervantă și jenantă. Cum să prevenim această boală? Descoperă 9 moduri de a combate sforăitul.Sforăitul este o problemă enervantă și jenantă. Cum să prevenim această boală? Descoperă 9 moduri de a combate sforăitul.

Snoring is a troublesome problem for both the person affected by the snoring and the people sleeping nearby. According to the latest research, snoring affects up to 40% of people. Poles – adults and children. It is estimated that most often obese men struggle with this unpleasant ailment and postmenopausal women because the tendency to snoring increases with age. Currently, it is also young people who suffer from sleep disorders caused by snoring. Can you get rid of snoring with home remedies? You can, but you have to follow a few rules.

It is sleeping in the supine position that causes the uncontrolled movement of the tongue, which retracts and makes the mouth open under the weight of its weight. As a result of this process, the walls of the throat and nose narrow, and the right amount of oxygen does not get to the lungs. The more restrictions related to the ventilation of the lungs the snoring is more bothersome and louder.

There can be many causes of snoring. It is best to tell your doctor who, after performing a series of tests, will locate its source. However, when this ailment is just starting to bother us and has a mild course at the beginning, we can try to deal with it ourselves.

Here are some proven ways that can cure you of snoring or prevent its more serious consequences.

  1. When snoring interrupts a deep sleep, you usually reach for sleeping pills. They are not recommended because they make snoring worse. When such measures help you fall asleep, the snoring persists and only disturbs the person lying next to you even more.
  2. Drinking alcohol before bed makes snoring worse. After drinking a few drinks, we can make the sleep of the person staying with us in the bedroom really bad. Alcohol should be completely avoided during this time. Until we get rid of the snoring and it will be calm.
  3. Cigarette smoking has a detrimental effect on the circulatory system, including the throat. Therefore, smoking increases the process of snoring. Therefore, you should think about a quick and effective withdrawal of cigarettes.
  4. A healthy diet is the basisbecause snoring depends on being overweight. Doctors confirm that moderate snorers can stop snoring after losing a few pounds. The greater the obesity, the greater the risk of inflammation of the tissues of the upper respiratory system. This means that the thicker the neck, the less the airway is open. You should contact a dietitian who will develop a special diet “for snoring”.
  5. It is difficult but you must control your sleeping position. Side sleeping is recommended, but only for people who snore when sleeping on their backs. People who snore loudly and often do not have to pay attention to it, because unfortunately it will not change anything (here the intervention of a doctor is important).
  6. The pillow makes the snoring worse. This is by no means the latest and most surprising discovery. When we struggle with snoring, it is best to keep the head laid flat. It is obvious that this is completely uncomfortable. That is why you can reach for the Uan-an buckwheat pillow, which ensures optimal head positioning. Occasional snorers can try simply changing the position of their pillow.
  7. Puteţi achiziţiona preparations that reduce the tension of the tissues of the back of the throat such as: throat spray, nasal spray or patches or clips. Your pharmacist will help you make your choice.
  8. Allergic rhinitis is one of the causes of snoring. Therefore, when we suffer from this ailment only periodically (for a period unfavorable to allergies), after using antihistamines, snoring may subside.
  9. Going in this direction – a runny nose and a blocked nose that make it difficult for us to breathe, caused by sinusitis or a cold, are conducive to snoring. Therefore, these diseases must be treated to eliminate snoring.

Snoring cannot be underestimated. This is an ailment that should be eliminated because it hinders proper oxygenation of the body and disturbs the sleep necessary for health.


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