Puteți reduce tensiunea arterială crescută și, odată cu aceasta, riscul de accident vascular cerebral

High blood pressure is a major contributor to stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. We remember that stroke and heart attack are the two main killers in Russia and around the world. Every year 450 thousand people suffer a stroke, in fact, this is the population of a large city. Moreover, mortality rates in Russia are 4 times higher than in the United States and Canada. So we will do everything so that this disease does not affect us and our loved ones.

Many of us, especially older people, are used to living with high blood pressure and just take a pill if it spikes, but don’t know how to normalize it in the long run. In the meantime, it is within our power to balance the pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. A few simple daily habits will help us with this. As a preventive measure, each of us should make them part of our lifestyle.

1. Regularly measure and monitor blood pressure.

2. Maintain a weight that is optimal for your gender and age. Being overweight harms the cardiovascular system and can raise blood pressure. If you have extra pounds, do not despair: these tips will help you gradually get rid of them. In general, a sensible weight loss program is based on a healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity (at least 20 minutes of moderate activity a day is enough: not that much, right?).


3. Eat a healthy diet. Start small, but very important:

  • drink more water throughout the day; drink a glass of water half an hour before meals;
  • include vegetables in every meal;
  • snack on fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts;
  • try to avoid industrially processed foods, eat more homemade food;
  • Eliminate foods with added sugar from your diet;
  • cut back on salt intake.

3. Be active, use every opportunity to move:

  • walk more often, get off the bus or metro stop earlier, park your car further from your destination;
  • go up and down the stairs, not the elevator;
  • choose a place for lunch farther from your work;
  • wash the car yourself or work in the garden;
  • play active games with children;
  • go for a run while walking the dog.

Please note: People with high blood pressure should avoid certain types of physical activity. Consult your doctor beforehand.

4. Give up cigarettes. Tips and tricks to help you quit smoking can be found here.

5. Do not abuse alcohol: women are recommended no more than one standard serving of alcohol a day, men – no more than two. What are standard portions:

  • beer with a low alcohol content – 375 milliliters;
  • regular beer – 285 ml;
  • table wine – 100 ml;
  • drinks with a high alcohol content – 30 ml.

For more tips on how you can lower your blood pressure without pills, read here.

Don’t expect your blood pressure to drop in a matter of days: aim for lifestyle changes that are sure to work in the long run, but are more sustainable than the pills.

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