5 moduri de a vă accelera metabolismul și de a slăbi rapid

Asigurați-vă că luați micul dejun

A common mistake is not eating breakfast and eating too late. With the latter, everything is more or less clear, the rule of not eating after 18.00 has not been canceled. More precisely, the last meal should be at least 4 hours before going to bed: this means that it is not too late to have dinner at 22 if you do not go to bed before two in the morning. But breakfast is sacred. A plentiful first meal creates a powerful energy boost and literally boosts your metabolism. But if in the morning the body does not receive calories, it understands this as a local disaster – and begins to expend energy much more slowly. The metabolism slows down – and this is immediately reflected in the figure not in the best way. In general, the ideal food should be like this: early breakfast, several meals throughout the day in small portions, early dinner.

Fă sport regulat

Recent studies have shown that our body burns calories not only during training, it continues to do so for 24 hours after it ends. Want to boost your metabolism? Start moving, and regularly – this will ensure the constant work of metabolic processes, without pauses, and the weight will go away easier, faster and as if by itself. By the way, it is better to do it in the fresh air: oxygen also increases the metabolic rate.


Mai dormi mai bine

Mountains of scientific papers have been written about how healthy sleep affects metabolism. And they all boil down to the fact that lack of sleep is such a strong stress on our immune system and metabolism that they fail. Result: excess weight is gained literally out of nothing if we sleep less than 6 hours a day. The norm, of course, is different for everyone, but 7-8 hours is the ideal amount of time spent sleeping. And for the metabolism to be fast, sleep must be healthy: in a ventilated room, in the dark, without irritants, on a comfortable mattress, and preferably without dreams.

More to drink

Fact: if babies are more than 70 percent water, then by adulthood we “dry up”: only 50% of the water remains in us. Therefore, in order not to forget to regularly replenish your stocks, you can even put yourself a reminder in your phone. You need to drink from 1,5 to 2 liters of water per day, and do this not at once, but constantly, throughout the day. Why do metabolism need water? It washes away all unnecessary and unnecessary, makes every cell of our body work, metabolic processes are accelerated, and as a result, excess weight goes away much faster. Therefore, for example, athletes who need to lose weight urgently to a certain point, drink five liters of water a day. Ordinary people do not need such extremism (kidneys still need to be protected), but 1,5-2 liters is a necessary norm for a normal life.

There are foods that speed up metabolism:

  • Cereale, rich in fiber, make the body burn calories 2 times faster. Oatmeal, brown rice, and buckwheat are especially useful.
  • Carne… For its processing, the body spends 30% more energy than, for example, vegetables. This means that the consumption of calories is already in the process of absorbing food. Only meat should be lean: rabbit, lean beef, turkey.
  • Produs lactat thanks to its high content of calcium and vitamin D, it helps to build muscle mass. Namely, the work of the muscles maintains the metabolism at the proper level.
  • Lentils and other legumes – a source of valuable vegetable protein. And also iron, the lack of which is also not the best way to affect the metabolism.
  • Ceai verde Is a well-known metabolic stimulant. Those wishing to lose weight need to drink at least 4 cups a day (and by the way, write these cups in the total amount of fluid consumed).
  • Ardei iute. Chili, jalapenos, cayenne pepper, as well as spices that “disperse” the blood and contribute to a local increase in body temperature are good metabolic stimulants. Their effect works even when applied externally: wraps based on hot pepper are designed to fight cellulite precisely due to a local increase in metabolism in individual non-ideal zones such as breeches and priests. Inside, it is also possible, the effect will be even more visible, the weight will go away faster. But if you have stomach problems, you should not get carried away with pepper.

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