Două sesiuni de antrenament în stil Pilates de la ciocanul Tracey pentru nivel începător și intermediar

Dragoste ‘s low impact quiet workouts with work out exercises for the deep muscles? Then try the program from Tracey mallet, who is a renowned expert in the development of video on Pilates.

We offer to your attention 2 training in the style of Pilates that will help you to tighten problem areas, strengthen the muscles, increase joint mobility and improve the quality of the body. Program is simple load, but very varied and not boring. You will have a wonderful time and will improve your figure.

Tracey Mallet – Pilates Super Sculpt

In this program you will need a small bouncy ball, diameter 20 cm So the ball almost equivalent will replace the expensive special training equipment for Pilates, ensures the correct execution of exercises and give additional load to the muscles. The ball also helps to more clearly demonstrate the movements and ensure the proper position of the body.

Program Pilates Super Sculpt lasts 1 hour, takes place entirely on the floor, and consists of several segments ~10 minutes:

  • Încălzire (warm-up). A mild warm up on the floor for the entire body.
  • Abs serie (abdomen). Exercises for belly are on the back and include leg lifts and trunk with the ball.
  • Oblic și chifle Sculpt (buttocks and obliques). Exercises are performed lying on your side and help you work on your buttocks and sides.
  • Legs and Thigh Burn (legs and hips). You will perform leg lifts lying on your back.
  • Total Body Challenge (whole body). In this segment, you see the variation of Superman, pushups, boat.
  • Flexibilitate (stretching). A nice full stretch for the entire body.

The complex is designed for the intermediate level, but Tracy mallet has prepared a small number of repetitions for each exercise, so the program will be feasible even for beginners. Training is done at a slow leisurely pace. A good load will have the abdomen, buttocks, thighs – that is the most problematic area girls. In addition to improving the shapes, you’ll work on straightening posture and relief from back pain and lower back pain.

A review of 18 short training with Tracey mallet on youtube for problem areas

Tracey mallet – Lose the Belly Flab

Lose the Belly Flab can not be attributed to Pilates in its purest form, but Tracy mallet has been included into the program of exercises of a similar order. Training designed to work the core muscles and lower body. Using the proposed exercises, you will create flat abdominals, get rid of sagging and cellulite on the thighs and buttocks. The program is perfect for young motherswho want to recover after childbirth.

To complete this program in some segments you may need the ball, a dumbbell and elastic band. The program is divided into 5 segments of 10 minutes (+instructions for the exercises).

  • Phase One: Abdominals. Exercise for belly with an elastic band and ball.
  • Fază Unu: îmbinare Blasters. Workout for thighs and buttocks with an elastic band.
  • Fază Două: Abdominals. Exercise for belly c of the ball.
  • Fază Două: îmbinare Blasters. Workout for thighs and buttocks with the chair and an elastic band.
  • Hard Rock Abs 10 Minutes. Exercise for stomach with a dumbbell.
  • De instruire Metoda de măsurare: instruction on the correct implementation of exercises for the abdominal muscles.

You can do all the exercise entirely – it will take you a little more than 50 minutes. Or take a separate phase for problem areas or depending on the availability of the inventory. The program is suitable even for the beginner training level.

Vezi și: 19 antrenamente de balet cardio de la Suzanne Bowen pentru arderea grăsimilor.

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